
gold not received after offer

markywbamarkywba Registered Users 20 Posts
I took advantage of an offer today to get some gold by joining the Experian credit website for their 30day free trial. Went through the whole process to register and am now waiting for my pin number to access my credit score. As yet I haven't received the 601 gold I was expecting. Anybody have any suggestions how to resolve?


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    HarringtonD1966HarringtonD1966 Registered Users 1 Posts
    markywba wrote: »
    I took advantage of an offer today to get some gold by joining the Experian credit website for their 30day free trial. Went through the whole process to register and am now waiting for my pin number to access my credit score. As yet I haven't received the 601 gold I was expecting. Anybody have any suggestions how to resolve?

    I too took advantage of 2 different vehicle insurance offers worh approximately 200 gold. I am still waiting. I will post the resolution discovered. This apparently is a reoccurring problem with a variety of offers.
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    rastafarirastafari Registered Users 78 Posts
    Iam big fan of getting free Gold from offers, and have done well by them. There as you know might be a delay betwee signup and time credited. However a lot are simply never credited, eventhough you've followed instructions. Either Fyber or Tapjoy have a reporting page, however you'll need proof.
    Screenshots of signup page, e-mail confirmations, level requirements etc, I always take a screen of every offer at every significant stage. Fyber which is the default are very professional, and easy to deal with, after sending proof, credits are given soon after.
    Tapjoy, not so much it took me 3 weeks to get a credit.
    Hope this helps
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    rastafari wrote: »
    Iam big fan of getting free Gold from offers, and have done well by them. There as you know might be a delay betwee signup and time credited. However a lot are simply never credited, eventhough you've followed instructions. Either Fyber or Tapjoy have a reporting page, however you'll need proof.
    Screenshots of signup page, e-mail confirmations, level requirements etc, I always take a screen of every offer at every significant stage. Fyber which is the default are very professional, and easy to deal with, after sending proof, credits are given soon after.
    Tapjoy, not so much it took me 3 weeks to get a credit.
    Hope this helps

    This is good advice. Sorry this has been your experience, though!
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    huggy121huggy121 Registered Users 2 Posts
    rastafari wrote: »
    Iam big fan of getting free Gold from offers, and have done well by them. There as you know might be a delay betwee signup and time credited. However a lot are simply never credited, eventhough you've followed instructions. Either Fyber or Tapjoy have a reporting page, however you'll need proof.
    Screenshots of signup page, e-mail confirmations, level requirements etc, I always take a screen of every offer at every significant stage. Fyber which is the default are very professional, and easy to deal with, after sending proof, credits are given soon after.
    Tapjoy, not so much it took me 3 weeks to get a credit.
    Hope this helps

    I signed up for a Coral gold reward offer and never got the 500 gold I should have got. So after over a month of providing screen shots to Fyber they finally awarded the gold. Result, or so I thought!!!! The next time I started the game the 500 gold I had been awarded had disappeared! Absolutely gutted. I was going to save it for a good heavy gun. No luck when I contacted Fyber as I have no screen shots this time. Is it a problem with Android and my Samsung tablet? Not sure but I won't be doing any big gold offers again. Feel robbed.
    I have emailed Glu admin but not holding my breath on that!!! Beware the gold reward offers
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    Harleynut57Harleynut57 Registered Users 3 Posts
    Same here. I registered for 2 offdrs and after 5 days of waiting, NOTHING. I emailed support but guess who's no help at all.
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    Steve_SSteve_S Registered Users 30 Posts
    Based upon my experience over the past week, almost 90% of the Fyber offers have not automatically paid. As mentioned above, screen shot everything! It's a pain, but is the only way you will have any chance of getting the gold rewards. Even with screen prints, I'm still struggling to get the rewards for a couple of the offers credited to my account. I, as most of you have, found out the hard way about screen prints. I filled out a couple of surveys, didn't get the gold credits, contacted Fyber but was told without screen shots, they would do nothing to resolve the issue. I know everything was completed because my "spam" phone line has been blowing up since completing the offers.
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    The offers aren't administered by GLU, as the previous posts point out, you have to go to the marketing company for a chance to get results. Completing offers for gold has never worked for me, so I stopped, reported it to the marketing company, and didn't get any response. Watching a video for 1 free gold usually works, so I usually try.

    As for GLU, I am interested in trying to help GLU provide us with the game they developed for us to play because I like to play GLU games. I realize this game is in alpha/beta and expect issues to occur and changes to be made. I try to not make things more complicated for myself. If it doesn't work, I stop using it, and report to GLU what isn't working. And of course, offer suggestions when ever possible.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    David T wrote: »
    The offers aren't administered by GLU, as the previous posts point out, you have to go to the marketing company for a chance to get results. Completing offers for gold has never worked for me, so I stopped, reported it to the marketing company, and didn't get any response. Watching a video for 1 free gold usually works, so I usually try.

    As for GLU, I am interested in trying to help GLU provide us with the game they developed for us to play because I like to play GLU games. I realize this game is in alpha/beta and expect issues to occur and changes to be made. I try to not make things more complicated for myself. If it doesn't work, I stop using it, and report to GLU what isn't working. And of course, offer suggestions when ever possible.

    Thanks for this very reasonable response to all of this. :)
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    Steve_SSteve_S Registered Users 30 Posts
    gluadmin wrote: »
    Thanks for this very reasonable response to all of this. :)

    As a user, I tend to disagree with the "if it doesn't work, don't do it" approach. While the rewards offers are done through a 3rd party (and, yes, I understand that and have been fighting with Fyber, not glu, to get the credits owed), it is a 3rd party that glu has entering into an agreement with. As a business owner myself, I want to know when customers have issues whether with my product or with someone else that I have referred them to. Not everyone playing the game can/wants to put real money into the game. By the offers not working appropriately, you, therefore, disenfranchise those players. I understand the 1 gold for watching a video works, but watching a video 750 times to get a gun that is on sale when there are offers present that claim to provide anywhere from 5 to over 400 gold for completing.

    Suggestion: Glu should look at the fact that there are so many issues with the Fyber offers and consider other options. Frustrations with issues with those offers (yes, I understand are administered by Fyber and not glu) do end up driving customers from glu.
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    Steve_S wrote: »
    Suggestion: Glu should look at the fact that there are so many issues with the Fyber offers and consider other options. Frustrations with issues with those offers (yes, I understand are administered by Fyber and not glu) do end up driving customers from glu.
    I completely agree with you. I typically use a positive and forward thinking strategy of if it 'doesn't work, figure it out, and fix it', but that approach hasn't been working. It takes a lot longer for a company to react to customer service complaints then it does to not having customers.

    Using the 'doesn't work, don't use it' approach; Hoping that it will either force the marketing companies to fix an obvious, consistent, and justified customer complaint, or will force GLU to pick another marketing company that is as consistent with their services as we are with ours.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    markywbamarkywba Registered Users 20 Posts
    Well, after several emails, screenshots with Fyber they finally told me that the sponsor (Experian) had no record of my transaction.
    I quickly replied with the fact that I had a letter through the post from Experian confirming my account with them!
    Fyber agreed to a scanned copy of the letter which I have sent thrm - latest reply said it would take 2-3weeks to resolve.
    still waiting!!
    Morale of the story - keep trying and you might get the result you're after!!
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    markywba wrote: »
    Well, after several emails, screenshots with Fyber they finally told me that the sponsor (Experian) had no record of my transaction.
    I quickly replied with the fact that I had a letter through the post from Experian confirming my account with them!
    Fyber agreed to a scanned copy of the letter which I have sent thrm - latest reply said it would take 2-3weeks to resolve.
    still waiting!!
    Morale of the story - keep trying and you might get the result you're after!!

    Ugh. That's pretty exhaustive. Good on you for continuing to work with them. I'm going to flag this to the people who work with Fyber because it seems that 2-3 weeks is more than should be necessary. This isn't to say that anything will speed up because of it, but it's important to note.
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    markywbamarkywba Registered Users 20 Posts
    Email received from Fyber today confirming that my gold will be in my account today - should be there after loading up the game.
    Best advice I can give to anyone else is ensure you have screenshots and any evidence you can give to Fyber to support your claim.
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    markywba wrote: »
    Email received from Fyber today confirming that my gold will be in my account today - should be there after loading up the game.
    Best advice I can give to anyone else is ensure you have screenshots and any evidence you can give to Fyber to support your claim.

    Yes we talked with them yesterday so I'm glad to see that paid off.
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    GuestloserGuestloser Registered Users 3 Posts
    It does seem that nearly all of the sites offering gold took much longer than stated to get personal info and several after following ths survey would lead to a dead end with NO CREDITS as promised. And, to make it worse I now have a myriad of useless SPAM to delete from my inbox daily. Long story short- if something sounds too good to be true- it is.
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    LOL, I just got a magazine in the mail from one of the survey questions I answered in one of the CVS surveys that offered game gold to complete, without receiving my gold reward. Now I actually have physical proof, other than screen shots. No gold reward as advertised, but I got a free magazine issue. After you're aware of what actually happens with these offers, you can start to laugh.

    "If it doesn't work, stop using it." Companies respond to not having customers, faster than they do to customer complaints or requests.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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