
My resume after 6 weeks playing

WingerWinger Registered Users 3 Posts
Upon downloading the game I limited myself to spend not more then USD 100,00 to advance and to see where it will take me. Now after 6 weeks playing I have achieved the following:

Level 70 completed
Firing Power at 13000+
Defense power at around 4000
Levithian drone activated
1000 AP's
USD 120 spent

My resume for now: A great game, quite entertaining to some extent, but now I'm somehow getting bored and dissappointed. No more levels, I was barely able to buy a new gun for my half million cash, and PvP's are tiring if you are not willing to spend extra money to buy energy.

Also: It has been mentioned here before that there must be some sort of hacking going on, and I agree with such statements to a certain degree. Just a few examples out of my personal observation:

This morning at 08:00 a.m. I entered a brand new launched global PVP event, after 30 seconds (!!!) there was already a player on 1st place with several hundred AP's. Currently, 3 hours after the start, the current leader has already achieved 2030 AP's which I think equals 1000+ won battles in one hour???

Yesterday, I looked for an opponent and was assigned 3 players in a row with 23.500 defense power but only like 850 AP... As you can imagine, it takes less then 5 seconds to loose that PvP battle and that for sure takes not only your diamonds but also the fun out of it.

While I was logged on last evening for about 2-3 hours I was attacked 7 times and lost a total of 26000 diamonds. Again, I was logged on and played while being attacked.

Anyhow, I guess that's it for me here. Thanks for the short fun but I'm definitely not going to pay more real money to gain more energy for ever repetitious PvPs, useles prices, and to be cheated by some low-life hacking d***heads. Cheers


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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    Winger wrote: »
    This morning at 08:00 a.m. I entered a brand new launched global PVP event, after 30 seconds (!!!) there was already a player on 1st place with several hundred AP's. Currently, 3 hours after the start, the current leader has already achieved 2030 AP's which I think equals 1000+ won battles in one hour???
    First, welcome to the game!

    30 seconds and several hundred AP's, if that is really correct, then I completely agree with you.; Something is wrong there, as 30 seconds only allows you 3AP. 2030AP can be obtained through 85 consecutive wins, as Global events give you 25AP per match, starting with your 7th consecutive win, and remains 25AP per match until you lose.
    Winger wrote: »
    Yesterday, I looked for an opponent and was assigned 3 players in a row with 23.500 defense power but only like 850 AP... As you can imagine, it takes less then 5 seconds to loose that PvP battle and that for sure takes not only your diamonds but also the fun out of it.
    The PVP matching algorythm has taken a lot of scrutiny because it uses our Victory Points to match us up, not our attacking/defensive power ratings. I agree that it would be more fair to be matched by attacking/defensive rating, but the VP matching entices players to spend gold for upgrades so they can be ahead of their competition with the same VPs.
    Winger wrote: »
    While I was logged on last evening for about 2-3 hours I was attacked 7 times and lost a total of 26000 diamonds. Again, I was logged on and played while being attacked.
    This is usually caused by being disconnected from the game server, but visually it still looks like you're connected and everything is fine. GLU recently took out the disconnect notifications which makes it fairly impossible to tell whether you're still connected, until you try a game function that requires a connection.; then you will probably get a 'can't connect to the server' message or the game might auto-restart. Big issue for players, I agree.

    Good luck out there, I hope you still continue to play and add your observations to the GLU forum. Cheers!
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    BigjoosBigjoos Registered Users 11 Posts
    Aye i seen the same this morning after 50-60 mins of the global pvp even starting, that seems to me to be impossible in the time frames doing the math, let me add i dont pay no money, i've played it for ages using what i collected. I took a screen capture this morning at work after 58 mins had expired on the clock and the top guy had 1035 assassin points lol. Now I understand probably 99 % of players are legit or would hope that but there is something telling me that these guys have some cute exploit running, fair play to hard working dudes that spend serious $$ on the game, respect for that to them if thats your thing but the figures seem insane even for those that are legit with maxed level bases and defence and attack.


    For example my current stats are as follows spending no real money at all, just hundreds of PVP fights for upgrades and loads and loads of campaign fights for cash also level ups and it takes me few days to score 1000 AP in a PVP event so far but just saying lol

    Attack = 6784
    Defence = 5240
    Leviathan x 7
    Manta x 4
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    R1gol1nR1gol1n Registered Users 157 Posts
    Same frustration here, I'm starting to do the same thing, I was an LVL 40 on all time board when the service maintanence thing happen, I wasn't able to fix it, on my own since Glu do not give me any help, I loose all my progress do I have to start from botton, now I'm almost on top 20.
    What also really sucks is the start time and ending of tournaments, I live on east and the time really kills me.
    I hope GLU changes that to make fear.
    Good luck..
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    R1gol1n wrote: »
    What also really sucks is the start time and ending of tournaments, I live on east and the time really kills me.
    Well, they are Global Events, but you have a good point. If GLU, (USA Pacific Standard Time), started/ended the tournaments at 6 a.m., it would only make start/stop time weird for Western Canada to Eastern Australia.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    markywbamarkywba Registered Users 20 Posts
    David T wrote: »
    Well, they are Global Events, but you have a good point. If GLU, (USA Pacific Standard Time), started/ended the tournaments at 6 a.m., it would only make start/stop time weird for Western Canada to Eastern Australia.

    United Kingdom finish time is 7am (GMT) on a Monday morning.
    Mini tournaments on Mon/Tues/Weds start 7am and finish 7am the day after.
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    markywba wrote: »
    United Kingdom finish time is 7am (GMT) on a Monday morning.
    Mini tournaments on Mon/Tues/Weds start 7am and finish 7am the day after.

    I must not have been looking at the time zone map correctly if UK is 7am. My main point is that 12am-6am is a weird time to play, so you kind of have to find a 6 hour chunk of time in the least populated part of the world to make a better start/stop time that is better for the most amount of people.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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