
some new ideas.. actually old ideas..

saturnringsaturnring Registered Users 43 Posts
this game has become pretty boring. there is no newness or challenges left to play. glu does release new guns, but come on u got to accept, its just the power which increases. the looks of the gun is quite similar and the way it acts is cent percent same albiet the power
why cant glu get some new gameplay? contract killer 2 has some awesome collection and a lot of variety in melee weapons. why cant glu steal its own ideas(weapons) and incoorate here? it will be definitely more fun going with silent kills then!! the software developing part should be anyways ready at ck2, it wud be just copying the code and pasting it here..


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    VasqiVasqi Registered Users 21 Posts
    saturnring wrote: »
    this game has become pretty boring. there is no newness or challenges left to play. glu does release new guns, but come on u got to accept, its just the power which increases. the looks of the gun is quite similar and the way it acts is cent percent same albiet the power
    why cant glu get some new gameplay? contract killer 2 has some awesome collection and a lot of variety in melee weapons. why cant glu steal its own ideas(weapons) and incoorate here? it will be definitely more fun going with silent kills then!! the software developing part should be anyways ready at ck2, it wud be just copying the code and pasting it here..

    Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. Most of the recent "upgrades" are just cookie cutter content of the same content with artificiallised "higher" values. For example, you get a more powerful gun, which gradully becomes less affrective untill it feels exactly like the old gun (neverminde that it basically is the old gun with a new paint job). I think they are just getting lazy.

    Initially, I was thinking that having multiple drones would translate to 'multiple drones active at the same time'. But no, just one (of one type) active at any given moment. They have 5 different drones, but only three really exist. And there's no benifit to constructing botfly or bee, if you have manta. So what's the point of hoarding all thoes parts? Do I really get anything out of owning 500 manta? But perhaps the most bewildering thing if all is, when I challenge a user who has no drones at all (active), while I'm drowning in them.

    Also, throwing knives does not maintain stealth. All it does is give you one free kill on some personel without threat of being shot. Same goes for granades. But there's very little advantage to having a rocket launcher when you own a high powered tesla, so they tent to pile up in inventory.

    The development team seems to have goten lazy. The 'upgrades' don't enhance gameplay, they just make it less affective. I feel bad for the new players.
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    saturnringsaturnring Registered Users 43 Posts
    exactly! after playing this i reinstalled contract killer 2 again!
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