
Drone Question For Handles

ImreefImreef Registered Users 69 Posts
Thanks for all the recent info and updates on the new version. Really appreciate it!
I was curious why the Mantra drones (XP 12) are worth so little compared to the Leviathan drones (XP 100) in V3? In V2, the Mantra had a 1000 power rating while the Leviathan had a 2000 rating. The ****py Bee was 400 in V2 but 8 in V3. Seems like the Mantras are highly undervalued. They should be closer to 40-50 XP don't you think?


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    HandlesHandles Registered Users 911 Posts
    The reason for this is that the Mantra was an item you could craft using parts dropped in game while the Leviathan was only obtainable through events, so the Leviathan gives more XP because it was harder to obtain.
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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    They appear to have based the crafted drone points on the value of modules to create them. A Manta needed one power module (4 points) and one missile module (8 points), but a Bee needed two power modules and one gatling module (8 points), so it has a value of 16.
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    periperi Registered Users 23 Posts
    Handles,we need to know what to do with cash
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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    Thus far, cash can only be used to upgrade sniper/assault rifles. High level ones take millions in cash to fully upgrade.
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    ImreefImreef Registered Users 69 Posts
    Thanks for the explanation Handles. I guess I should've entered more bronze league tournaments instead of silver ones.
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