
This game will now cost a small fortune to continue to play

Guest245148285Guest245148285 Registered Users 10 Posts
Drone upgrades can't be used until drone health/power level increases. Give me a break. I've only gotten my drone up to 6400 power level after spending 50 bucks real cash and 780k diamonds. Maybe I'm missing something. I can't fuse any of my old drones to increase power level without having thousands and thousands of diamonds, or hundreds of gold bars. This game has gotten ridiculous. I have absolutely no idea how many of my PVP challengers have their drone power levels at max already (369k). Makes no sense to me. If the game has gotten this complicated and expensive, it is certainly NOT WORTH PLAYING ANY LONGER


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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    The Drone project will be massively costly either in money or in time or both. I am at 6700 and it takes 120 XP to advance a level. an XP costs 1200 Diamonds. This means that to advance one level cost either 144 K in Diamonds or 380 units of Gold. When you advance a level you only gain 200 in Drone Power, so to get to 8000 will take a while. Those costs get higher as you advance levels. I am at Level 63 of 120 levels and my Drove is only at 6.7 K with the Max Power at 369 K. It could take me a long while.

    Ironically, the Drones are totally useless, at least below the 8 K level, with no indication that they will get more useful at higher Power levels.
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    Have you had time to to see if the health or shield has a noticable effect?
    I've noticed my diamond reserves very low since 3.0. I have to start switching back to other upgrades.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    Have you had time to to see if the health or shield has a noticable effect?
    I've noticed my diamond reserves very low since 3.0. I have to start switching back to other upgrades.

    I have noticed little or no impact to the health or shield, at least at sub-8 K levels.

    I am attempted to sort out upgrade priorities under the current game conditions. We are now faced with the upgrade possibilities: Weapon upgrade, Level upgrade or Drone upgrade. Clearly, a Tesla with Max power is priority one, but beyond that it is not clear.

    I have maxed out my heavy weapon and am still not able to win short range contests without taking lots of time and using lots of consumables: Medpacks, grenades and knives. I am currently avoiding short range matches. Upgrading Base economy and player health still make sense, but beyond that, it is difficult to justify. Drone value is a total unknown at this point. Hard to know where to put your effort.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I have noticed little or no impact to the health or shield, at least at sub-8 K levels.

    I am attempted to sort out upgrade priorities under the current game conditions. We are now faced with the upgrade possibilities: Weapon upgrade, Level upgrade or Drone upgrade. Clearly, a Tesla with Max power is priority one, but beyond that it is not clear.

    I have maxed out my heavy weapon and am still not able to win short range contests without taking lots of time and using lots of consumables: Medpacks, grenades and knives. I am currently avoiding short range matches. Upgrading Base economy and player health still make sense, but beyond that, it is difficult to justify. Drone value is a total unknown at this point. Hard to know where to put your effort.

    I'm with you but ... cannot upgrade a weapon until I can grab something north of 11.0 to make a difference. This week's assault may help and I think there will be a sale over the weekend, I hope there's something good available for in-game cash ... I'm sitting on $6 Million (give or take).

    Upgrading BASE or DRONE is going to take time, yet I've faced FULLY upgraded of both from players with a fraction of the victory points that I have ... go figure.

    I have been using 9.5 versions of all categories for weeks now and the tesla is the only thing getting me victories.

    That lost 3rd day for a better heavy really stings ... Ouch

    So I can't upgrade, I can't take SHORT range matchups, I can't even bull my way through PvP by spending GOLD because there's no time to spend any.

    A couple of weeks back I had a real shot at GOLD League but had reached my self imposed GOLD limit (1,000 Bars). I Ranked #42 that week with 7,000+ APs. In retrospect, I might have been able to get a better weapon had I taken the plunge.

    All I can do is continue to slug it out and land something good during this PvP Event...hopefully.

    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I'm with you but ... cannot upgrade a weapon until I can grab something north of 11.0 to make a difference. This week's assault may help and I think there will be a sale over the weekend, I hope there's something good available for in-game cash ... I'm sitting on $6 Million (give or take).

    Upgrading BASE or DRONE is going to take time, yet I've faced FULLY upgraded of both from players with a fraction of the victory points that I have ... go figure.

    I have been using 9.5 versions of all categories for weeks now and the tesla is the only thing getting me victories.

    That lost 3rd day for a better heavy really stings ... Ouch

    So I can't upgrade, I can't take SHORT range matchups, I can't even bull my way through PvP by spending GOLD because there's no time to spend any.

    A couple of weeks back I had a real shot at GOLD League but had reached my self imposed GOLD limit (1,000 Bars). In retrospect, I might have been able to get a better weapon had I taken the plunge.

    All I can do is continue to slug it out and land something good during this PvP Event...hopefully.


    The one good thing about the new Drones is that it gives you a place to dump Diamonds if you are fully upgraded in both Base and weapons and your vault is full. Since it is possible to upgrade Drones in small increments, it allows you to keep you vault supply low making you a less attractive target for attack.

    BTW, I have decided to abandon any further investment in Drones until I am fully upgraded in weapons and Base.

    While it now appears possible to play this game with nothing more than a massive Tesla, I want to upgrade my Heavy as well as Base Economy and Player Health just in case.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    The one good thing about the new Drones is that it gives you a place to dump Diamonds if you are fully upgraded in both Base and weapons and your vault is full. Since it is possible to upgrade Drones in small increments, it allows you to keep you vault supply low making you a less attractive target for attack.

    BTW, I have decided to abandon any further investment in Drones until I am fully upgraded in weapons and Base.

    While it now appears possible to play this game with nothing more than a massive Tesla, I want to upgrade my Heavy as well as Base Economy and Player Health just in case.

    That's a very prudent approach ... you just never know :-) Oh how I miss the day when I could take the PvP "Kill Shot" with my sniper rifle ... now I'm afraid to pause long enough to switch weapons LOL
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    DonnatellaDonnatella Registered Users 5 Posts
    I too am disillusioned. I don't even like the Tesla...its not even really assassinating, I would rather try for a nice clean shot. The PvP and clan pvps have become a huge drain. I have worked my way to level 90, have finished it, and I'm stuck with nothing to do but kill the same guys over and over.....unless I purchase a bunch of gold. My clan is a bunch of good guys/gals who are showing a little resentment being paired in matches with "big spenders"!
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