
Assassin Points/Victory Points/League Victory Points?

charlieboy0910charlieboy0910 Registered Users 3 Posts
I am pretty confused about these three things. Correct me if I am wrong

1. Victory Points - Global Points, earned when I play any PvP match (League/Global etc). This is never reset and stay with me forever.
2. League Victory Points - Points earned when I play league pvp matches. Get reset at the start of every league event
3. Assassin Points - This is what I am confused about. My understanding is that these are like League victory points and are earned only in global pvp events. And these are also reset at the start of every global event. I can never see my assassin points (unless i am on the leaderboard). Or is this same as all time Victory Points.

Please clarify this!


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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    1) Pretty much correct, you get 2 points for a PvP win, 0 for a loss, and -1 if your base is successfully attacked by another player.

    2) Also correct; I don't believe that defense losses are deducted from League VPs, only all-time. Otherwise, you get 2 points for a PvP win, 0 for a loss.

    3) Assassin points are specific to each global event. You get 1 AP for a loss, and it resets your "streak" to 0. APs are awarded according to how long your streak is, 3 APs for your first win, then 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25 APs for each consecutive win thereafter.

    So, a single loss will penalize you for 7 turns (the loss + 6 more turns) where if you were making the full 25 APs per match, you'd earn 175 APs, but instead you only earn 1+3+5+7+10+15+20 = 61 APs. Of course, if you lose another match while you're rebuilding your streak, you start a new streak from that point at 0.

    As you can see, if you're competing for a global event prize, you should be careful to only accept matches that you believe you can win, and I'd recommend investing in some med packs for when you're wrong.
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