
Primary v.s Secondary

SilvrbulletSilvrbullet Registered Users 20 Posts
I have notice I can't use my secondary as a primary, when the primary is used to unlock the new mission. I was wondering what is the point in a secondary when it comes to campaign when you have to unlock the mission with your primary ?


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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    I have notice I can't use my secondary as a primary, when the primary is used to unlock the new mission. I was wondering what is the point in a secondary when it comes to campaign when you have to unlock the mission with your primary ?

    It is true that the primary weapon is used to determine whether or not you can play the mission (another one of GLU brilliant ideas that they "know" what weapon is best for the campaign). The point of the secondary weapon is once you have started the campaign mission, you then can switch to the better weapon.
    For long range missions, once it has started, I always switch to my Tesla weapon. Right now, I just skip short range missions, because of the video lag that I experience with both my assault and my heavy (you can actually count the bullets firing, the graphics are so slow).
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    skywaveskywave Registered Users 59 Posts
    secondary weapon higher damage without upgrade it, but if u upgrade it, it will kill enemy fast, and unlimited ammo, i never use again primary weapon,
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    SilvrbulletSilvrbullet Registered Users 20 Posts
    Yes I get that it has higher damage, But that is not what I was asking. Why is it we can not switch to which gun we would like to use as our primary. Instead of me having a huge Secondary and a small primary. Cause you cannot Play a new contract with out upgrading your primary.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Yes I get that it has higher damage, But that is not what I was asking. Why is it we can not switch to which gun we would like to use as our primary. Instead of me having a huge Secondary and a small primary. Cause you cannot Play a new contract with out upgrading your primary.

    The simply answer is you can't. It is what it is and you just have to accept it. We have all been there. This is the way that the game has been programmed.

    Your primary weapons will always be your assault weapon (short range) and your Sniper (long range). There is no way around it.
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