
Someone help a newbie?

dukenukem60dukenukem60 Registered Users 1 Posts
Hi peeps. I'm a new player, and I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone can answer for me.

1. Is there an "instruction manual" or a "user guide" available for this game? I have so many questions, and I can't seem to find any info about the game. How to's and such.

2. My primary weapon is the Ranger, power 444. Secondary is the Viper, power 408. My drone is at 880 power, and my base is at 2,090 power. Base Echo, Tier 5. When I go to the Russia campaign, I click on the first mission available (Trick Play), the game sits and sits, and then disconnects me from the server. I can't go any further in the game because of this, and have been relegated to playing PVP matches only for about 2 weeks now. Does anyone know why this is happening?

3. What are AP, XP etc points, and what are they good for? Can I trade them in for gold, weapons, level increases, etc?

4. I play on a Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini. Does this phone have the right hardware to run this game?

Thanks for any help forthcoming. I'm sure I'll have a few dozen more questions after these get answered, and I appreciate you guys taking it easy in the n00b. :)


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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Someone help a newbie?

    Hi peeps. I'm a new player, and I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone can answer for me.

    1. Is there an "instruction manual" or a "user guide" available for this game? I have so many questions, and I can't seem to find any info about the game. How to's and such.

    No there is not an instruction manual or user guide. We learn to play the game by doing and reading posts in this forum. I would suggest that you start reading through previous posts.

    2. My primary weapon is the Ranger, power 444. Secondary is the Viper, power 408. My drone is at 880 power, and my base is at 2,090 power. Base Echo, Tier 5. When I go to the Russia campaign, I click on the first mission available (Trick Play), the game sits and sits, and then disconnects me from the server. I can't go any further in the game because of this, and have been relegated to playing PVP matches only for about 2 weeks now. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    You need to contact Customer Care and report your problem in detail and include screen shots. They should be able to help you.

    3. What are AP, XP etc points, and what are they good for? Can I trade them in for gold, weapons, level increases, etc?

    AP is short for Assassin Points. AP is used to keep track of your progress in the Global Event. You need to amass win streaks while you are fighting in the Global event. The AP progression is as follows 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 25 AP for every win after 7 in a row. The more AP points you have the higher your rank.

    XP tracks how many weapons you need to fuse to your Drone weapons to increase their power and also how many fuses you need to add to your drone to increase its level.

    These points cannot be traded for gold, weapons or anything else.

    4. I play on a Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini. Does this phone have the right hardware to run this game?

    I play on an iPad, so I don't have any information about a Samsung Galaxy.

    Thanks for any help forthcoming. I'm sure I'll have a few dozen more questions after these get answered, and I appreciate you guys taking it easy in the n00b
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I'll add the following since you're most likely using Google Play. Samsung has customized the Android OS to the point that it could cause problems with CKS. You're hardware should be OK, but the OS may be problematic.

    Only thing to do is to continue to play the game and see how it holds up as you progress.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    RaylinaDRaylinaD Registered Users 120 Posts
    Hi peeps. I'm a new player, and I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone can answer for me.

    1. Is there an "instruction manual" or a "user guide" available for this game? I have so many questions, and I can't seem to find any info about the game. How to's and such.

    2. My primary weapon is the Ranger, power 444. Secondary is the Viper, power 408. My drone is at 880 power, and my base is at 2,090 power. Base Echo, Tier 5. When I go to the Russia campaign, I click on the first mission available (Trick Play), the game sits and sits, and then disconnects me from the server. I can't go any further in the game because of this, and have been relegated to playing PVP matches only for about 2 weeks now. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    3. What are AP, XP etc points, and what are they good for? Can I trade them in for gold, weapons, level increases, etc?

    4. I play on a Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini. Does this phone have the right hardware to run this game?

    Thanks for any help forthcoming. I'm sure I'll have a few dozen more questions after these get answered, and I appreciate you guys taking it easy in the n00b. :)

    Duke, I have a question: it takes 256,280 diamonds to reach tier 5 not even counting the weapon upgrades. Why do you consider yourself a newbie?
    Huggles, Raylina
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    H4mmer351H4mmer351 Registered Users 3 Posts
    I have asked this very same question. Where can I find a tutorial or guide for gameplay. I like the game and enjoy playing it but I was hoping to find a good source of lessons learned from some of the veterans.

    The base and especially the drone upgrades are confusing. At least the base upgrades will return larger vault capacity and accumulation rate. The drone upgrades seem to offer little minimal benefit for the cost so I no longer worry about the drone. I wish there was a way to convert money into diamonds. I have so much cash and it's almost useless.

    I'm still fairly new (base tier 5). I made the mistake of trying to accumulate free gold through the surveys and videos. Waste of time and now I get flooded with emails. Only about 5% of them actually pay out so I convinced myself to spend some real money for gold to get a weapon with power. Another mistake since now I get matched up with opponents I have no chance at defeating and the is no way to undo my upgrades.

    The recent updates for the game have many issues that need addressed. I have finished 1st in my last two league events and didn't receive the prizes. The short vids to get the knives and rocket launchers and med kits do not deliver them anymore even though they confirm that they do. I hope Glu will fix this soon.
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    H4mmer351H4mmer351 Registered Users 3 Posts
    You are not alone.
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    H4mmer351H4mmer351 Registered Users 3 Posts
    RaylinaD wrote: »
    Duke, I have a question: it takes 256,280 diamonds to reach tier 5 not even counting the weapon upgrades. Why do you consider yourself a newbie?

    Not a newbie, your about where I'm at. It takes time to accumulate all of the diamonds needed to progress.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    H4mmer351 wrote: »
    I have asked this very same question. Where can I find a tutorial or guide for gameplay. I like the game and enjoy playing it but I was hoping to find a good source of lessons learned from some of the veterans.

    The base and especially the drone upgrades are confusing. At least the base upgrades will return larger vault capacity and accumulation rate. The drone upgrades seem to offer little minimal benefit for the cost so I no longer worry about the drone. I wish there was a way to convert money into diamonds. I have so much cash and it's almost useless.

    I'm still fairly new (base tier 5). I made the mistake of trying to accumulate free gold through the surveys and videos. Waste of time and now I get flooded with emails. Only about 5% of them actually pay out so I convinced myself to spend some real money for gold to get a weapon with power. Another mistake since now I get matched up with opponents I have no chance at defeating and the is no way to undo my upgrades.

    The recent updates for the game have many issues that need addressed. I have finished 1st in my last two league events and didn't receive the prizes. The short vids to get the knives and rocket launchers and med kits do not deliver them anymore even though they confirm that they do. I hope Glu will fix this soon.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing out there that I would call a user manual or tutorial. the only thing that you can do is take the time and read through as many of the forum posts here, that you can.

    We have all had to learn to play the game through trial and error and what has been discussed here on the forum. Every question that you have brought up has been answered several times in the forum. I know that it might seem very difficult to wade through all of the posts, but there are a lot of tips, strategies and caveats to avoid.

    Buying too strong of a weapon is a major mistake that we all have made every since CKS 3.0 was released. When I was in that situation, I fought only long range battles, using a TESLA, until I was able to level my base up to the level of my weapons. Short range battles are difficult to fight. You have to match your base level and your weapon level or you will have nothing but trouble.

    If you look through the forum for posts that say Tactics in the title, I would read them and incorporate those idea into your battle plan.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    The Base upgrades are really fairly straight forward. The first thing that you want to upgrade is the Base Economy. Upgrade it to the max, as it will allow you to earn more diamonds per hour that way.

    Next we upgrade the player health to the max, even though the increase is small. The more health that you have, the longer that you can last during a battle. Just remember, you have 30 days before the next base is released.

    From there you can upgrade the Guard and the Turret, as you like. It does not really matter. Because anybody who attacks you can use Med Packs, you will lose the battle no matter what you do.

    As far as the drone, you really should be trying to upgrade it as you go. just keep in mind, IMO, the drone is an offensive weapon. I treat it as such. However, upgrading your drone, is #3 on the priority list.

    I think that you should upgrade your base, then your weapons, and then your drone, based on how many diamonds that you can acquire.

    As far as weapons, your two go to weapons should be a TESLA for Long Range Battles and an ASSAULT for Short Range Battles. Both of these weapons need to be upgraded as much as possible.

    75% of an ASSAULT weapon is upgraded by using the game cash that you have acquired by doing campaign missions.
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