
Can't play any campaign mission...

BrendisBrendis Registered Users 4 Posts
About three days can't play any campaign mission, every time I start to play "Server resincronization needed, Error code 203130" and the game restarts. Can anyone help with this problem?


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Firstly, what platform are you playing ... Apple IOS, Amazon Android, Google Plan Android? Additionally campaign level are you at presently? The more information you provide, the better we can help you out.

    Sometimes synchronization errors can be corrected by clearing out the game's application cache. Sometimes you need to open up a ticket with Customer Care to get it resolved.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    BrendisBrendis Registered Users 4 Posts
    Campaign level 174, iOS 9.2, iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    There is a variation of this problem being reported y multiple users on IOS. The Campaigns just disappear and cannot be accessed. Several people have reported it already, so hopefully it is being worked on. File a Customer Care ticket, giving your information, hopefully with a screen shot of the Error message you are receiving. Glu is very slow, but they actually are resolving problems right now.
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