

NathNath Registered Users 2 Posts
I am in region 4 and have completed it has region 5 ready yet and how do I access club hunts I purchased permits but not sure how to do club hunts... Hellpp


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    thundershotsthundershots Registered Users 36 Posts
    As far as I can tell there are no club hunts available for IOS yet, why they have permits for sale is beyond me. They just released region 4 so it may be a while before we se region 5.
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    sotergresotergre Registered Users 2 Posts
    I think I read somewhere that they're still trying to balance the club hunts so not every download has them activated. I initially downloaded DH 2014 on my iPhone 4 which I still cannot access club hunts. I downloaded the OS X version immediately after and can club hunt. I was given an iPad mini a week ago and have access to club hunts on it. I'm not sure which will come first region 5 or the club hunt fix but either way save the cash for lvl 5 weapons
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    DodoDodo Registered Users 2 Posts
    Hi guys I am on level 81 and have just complete region 13, if I can help in any way let me know.
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    casajrcasajr Registered Users 1,468 Posts
    These posts are nearly 1 year old. I thinks its worked out by now.
    Common Sense is an ultra-rare superpower.
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