
Region 5

Just downloaded region five. Having trouble accessing any hunts. I am able to select the hunt, my energy is taken, and then the app shuts down. I am using an iPhone 4 with ios7. Is anyone else having this issue?

I also noticed that all of my region maps had to be downloaded again. Let me know if this is a DH version issue or isolated to my phone/service.



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    mohit1000mohit1000 Registered Users 3 Posts
    Hi is region 5 released for Android...bcoz I haven't go it yet
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    thundershotsthundershots Registered Users 36 Posts
    all of my regions re-downloaded, to help performance you should close other apps that are running in the back ground also try a re-boot this can also help game performance.
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    opie99opie99 Registered Users 2 Posts
    I don't have access to region 5. Is it available on Android? Running the LG G2 and it doesn't seem to be there.

    Just curious.
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    jallen0203jallen0203 Registered Users 21 Posts
    I do not have region 5 either?
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    dr mamloukdr mamlouk Registered Users 2 Posts
    i am sticing in region 5 i complete it i cant go to next region
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    dr mamloukdr mamlouk Registered Users 2 Posts
    they asked me to complete trophy i already completed
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    WhitebuffaloWhitebuffalo Registered Users 3 Posts
    So I got level 5. Already completed and looking for a level 6.. But for now the new additions for the holidays. But the problem with that is they want me to buy more gold for weapons and there is no progress on the level scale for taking on these zombie hunts. But they are still a little fun
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