
Stuck in Checking Updates - Resolved

Dear All,

I had facing an issue related to the hangup state on app startup i.e. stuck in checking updates.

How it occurred:
Due to some issue in my ISP, the internet connectivity was not fulfilled, the data (html data) was override by my ISP provider in the following files (except Log files), so app hangs while checking updates.

How to resolve the issue:

Download the http://dl.i-funbox.com/ for windows
Install the application
Connect your iPhone/iPad
Go to Manage Applications
Select Deer Hunter 2014
Go to Cache folder
Delete all Log_*.txt files
Delete ABTestConfig.txt, GluonConfig.txt, Killswitch.txt and MissionSettings.txt files
Remove Deer Hunter 2014 for iPhone/iPad Cache i.e. double click the home button and remove from the list
Connect to internet
Start the application
and then Enjoy!!

I am not the technical guy, so I'll not help you if you still getting the same issue.



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    WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
    Yeah I don't follow this at all.
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    dlh524dlh524 Registered Users 4 Posts
    Worked great. Was lost at the part of removing DH 2014 from Cache, since we were already in the Cache folder. But figured it out.

    Thanks for the help.

    I wonder how long it will take to correct the code so it stops happening...... :confused:
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    SnycorSnycor Registered Users 2 Posts
    I've just started to really like this Dear Hunter 2014!!, however, I'm stuck in the Pacific N region because i cant dl the nort africa map.
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