
game not saving progress

Anyone else having this isue. Since the update my game no longer saves anything I have done on any of the hunts including the holiday hunts. Have lost purchased weapons and glue credits.


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    g 78 33g 78 33 Registered Users 158 Posts
    A lot of us are having the same problecglu says they're working on a fix
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    BigDogFighterBigDogFighter Registered Users 2 Posts
    Me too! EXTREMELY frustrating! No sense even playing! HOPE they fix it soon! Such a shame!
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    VicPicVicPic Registered Users 12 Posts
    Me too Me NO happy : (
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    Madden91Madden91 Registered Users 2 Posts
    Same thing here, received an update but no fix! It's soooooooooooo annoying! Wanna play minigames :'(
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    cc2k3cc2k3 Registered Users 1 Posts
    Also having problems with this. Playing through a full energy bar, turn game off after earning bucks, completing hunts and buying guns, etc... I close the game, I come back later to the amount of money, level of progress in various hunts and guns not saved. Very disappointing.

    Also, as a side note... have more guns which you can buy with hunter bucks OR gold instead of just gold. More levels required as well.
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    fed2828fed2828 Registered Users 9 Posts
    Same here. Finish the holiday series on region 4. Close the game, come back & have to do all over again.
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    CizanoCizano Registered Users 1 Posts
    Same thing is happening to me. Although when I reload it always goes to the same $ amount same gold and same completed missions, just no advancement. I actually finished several hunts in multiple regions. Gone and reset to where I started
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    aligriffaligriff Registered Users 2 Posts
    Same here, got to level 35 after the update but all my progress was lost and went back to where I started, very frustrating, here's hoping this is just a glitch that will be quickly fixed
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    genna192003genna192003 Registered Users 1 Posts
    After this update I lost all my progress and booted me back down to level 2 and I lost my money, glue credits, and weapons....makes no sense to play this game anymore..
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    Hunt4funHunt4fun Registered Users 1 Posts
    I went to purchase more rounds for one of my shotguns, did it, then looked at my gold and it was about 35 less and I was missing over $150,000. I wondered how much did I really just spend? That's when I came here and saw all of this and knew that I was still sane and that the Grantham Swordfish capacity upgrade really didn't cost that much.
    What is the resolution if any?
    Will we be getting our progress back?
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    Hustler69Hustler69 Registered Users 1 Posts
    I hope they fix it bec I been through the same hunts 3 times
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    WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
    stop playing until there is an update or keep trying simple as that
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    EdgeEdge Registered Users 3 Posts
    Same prob here. Two days of lost progress so far and about 14 gold and 40,000 in bucks lost. Keeps resetting to Monday's progress. just hope it doesn't totally crash. Currently have earned and saved over 1,000,000 bucks and 322 gold for next level: Egypt.
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    Samer MadbakSamer Madbak Registered Users 1,247 Posts
    yes, after reload you go back to same level. no progress here, waiting for yet another fix!
    Playing on LG G4 (Android)
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    VicPicVicPic Registered Users 12 Posts
    You have to put up with the "features" of DH2014 like everyone else:
    Lose Cash after pausing your game!
    Lose Gold after pausing your game!!
    Lose Rankings after pausing your game!!!
    Hey Glu: nice gameplay, textures, realism... but ya gotta FIX IT!!!
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    theangeliitheangelii Registered Users 123 Posts
    not only did I lose Money, Gold and Progress, but now I lost all yes I said all of my holiday hunts for all regions.
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    We are aware of these issues and there are a number of threads on the FAQ and Announcements board. Please be sure you've updated to the newest version on Android, and the iOS update is coming soon (we are awaiting approval from Apple).
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