
randy the reindeer

WoodyWoody Registered Users 57 Posts
I saved up 38 rare calls how exactly to I get the region 8 assualt rifle I wanna figure out before I waste my calls is there a specific order I have to go in and or a specific region I have to be in


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    WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
    You are supposed to kill all of the reindeer i guess and randy is last, but the hunts come up randomly i don’t know how many you need to complete before his hunt comes up, sorry.
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    WoodyWoody Registered Users 57 Posts
    Is it only on region 6 I haven't won any guns I only get more rare calls and ive only killed a few of Santa's reindeer blitzen, dancer and dasher
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    WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
    yeah me too i can’t remember which ones but cupid was the last one, so maybe I’m close.
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    TXCYCLONESTXCYCLONES Registered Users 7 Posts
    I FINALLY got Randy! Region 6 after numerous BS rounds! I can't tell you how many flying reindeer are dead or how many snowmen have been slaughtered going after him, but I finally got him! As soon as he lowered his head I used the Energy Drink and brained him! And the new assault rifle is nice, but can't tell a huge difference between it and the region 7 AR. Good luck!
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