
I keep getting booted

I keep getting booted after region 5 I do one hunt and poor im out of the game.. I have the galaxy 3.. then at region 7 it freezes. . What's up with that?


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    geofferygeoffery Registered Users 2 Posts
    Im getting the same problem on my gs3
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    KampilanfighterKampilanfighter Registered Users 10 Posts
    With everything said about Glu's DH2014, I would say that this game is either really problematic from the start that fixing it is impossible, OR, it's just that fixing this game would require glu to invest much considerable time and money which they are very much hesitant to do and will not do...
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    There is an update coming soon that should address being booted from the game.
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