
Today's updates.

RgustafsonRgustafson Registered Users 10 Posts
I just downloaded today's updates and found new challenges on a couple maps. The problem I'm having is it is telling me I need a pistol to hunt. I have 4 pistols, I arm myself with 2, primary and secondary, yet is says I can't hunt.
The same goes for assault rifles.

Is any one else having this problem??


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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    The pistol hunt uses Clayton strongarm, assault rifle hunt uses Hauer stockman.
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    abynum1abynum1 Registered Users 3 Posts
    Totally not worth it.
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    RgustafsonRgustafson Registered Users 10 Posts
    Kyra420 wrote: »
    The pistol hunt uses Clayton strongarm, assault rifle hunt uses Hauer stockman.

    You can only use those 2 Weapons??? That seems a bit unfair to force you to buy those when I already better weapons.
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    SlimpickensSlimpickens Registered Users 1 Posts
    I think this is BS! The hunts look like fun and I have an appropriate assault rifle. However it is not the exact one they want... really annoying. I either have to do enough hunts to earn funds to buy the one they want or spend real money to by fake money to buy the assault rifle. I'm about ready to delete the game.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Rgustafson wrote: »
    You can only use those 2 Weapons??? That seems a bit unfair to force you to buy those when I already better weapons.
    Yes only those weapons and yes it seems counterproductive. Buy otherwise useless weapon to win a useful region 9 weapon. Most likely guns that could be won will come available with in game cash purchase with region 9 release. Who knows?
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    I broke down an bought the necessary weapons for the Alpine hunt because I really enjoy the game. However, more often than not, I end up reverting to my Region 8 shotgun to finish the hunt. It is a much more powerful weapon than the assault rifle I bought. Oh well, it is still a fun game. Try to enjoy what we have.
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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