

RaptorsRaptors Registered Users 2 Posts
I did the free trial of sensa for 505 gold pieces, I did every thing they ask and completed all forms, names addresses, phone numbers, and pay for shipment of sensa, I completed every thing, but I never got the gold. For me that's a big ripoff.:mad:


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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    On the offer page click on "missing gold". And provide the information they ask for. I have done this twice when I didn't receive my gold. Might take a few days but you will receive your gold.

    Also on some of those offers it says there is a delay for when you will receive your gold.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Unfortunately this is a rather common occurance for offers. Eventually gluadmin would give you the following, but I will paste it as that is easy enough for me to do. Good luck!
    Pasted here: It can take up to 24 hours for credits to appear. If they don't, however, you'll need to go through "missing credits" tab with SponsorPay or Tapjoy, as they are the ones who can handle that.

    Lol, you beat me to it Sheppeck

    And Idk why that smiley appeared, I must have pressed something
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    RaptorsRaptors Registered Users 2 Posts
    Thank you I will try that, and let you know
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    stroketasticstroketastic Registered Users 3 Posts
    I just watch the videos n take the free gold , but sayin that ...... you'd have to watch 505 video's to get the same .
    Claim that you did it twice n try to get twice the gold for messin you about ;-)
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I just watch the videos n take the free gold , but sayin that ...... you'd have to watch 505 video's to get the same .
    Claim that you did it twice n try to get twice the gold for messin you about ;-)

    Some if those offers you can only do once. And lying would be a good reason for your account to be disabled.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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