
where's Waldo (Zenith)

jman47jman47 Registered Users 2 Posts
Where is Zenith?Have attempted the hunt about 5 times now and am not having any luck spotting him.


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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    If that is the zebra trophy hunt in region 9, sorry I don't remember all their names, but for me it was pretty much right in front of me (meaning in the middle) and far off in the distance. I do remember the zebra was hard to see, blends in well. May help to use a secondary weapon with less zoom than a rifle to scan and find it.
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    jman47jman47 Registered Users 2 Posts
    It's not the zebra; It's the first antelope on the level 9 trophy. Thanks for the suggestion will give it a try
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    stroketasticstroketastic Registered Users 3 Posts
    try takin a few steps to the left .... that worked for me as the crafty sod was hiding behind a tree .
    I'm now upto Lockjaw the lion on region 9 ... the last one ...... he better not be hiding behind a tree too :D
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    He usually is down in the valley to the left, I kept thinking he was a rock until I zoomed in, 7 tries later I bagged him!
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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