
GH invitational complete but received no gun

I completed the assault rifle hunt in region 8 doing 60/60 and did not receive a gun. Was the gun supposed to be received now or later



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    delo66delo66 Registered Users 4 Posts
    I have also completed the series with the assault rifle in the region 8 but I have not got any gun ... why?
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    Aigle001Aigle001 Registered Users 6 Posts
    The same happened to me
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    You should have got the gun right after completing the 60th the hunt ,Are you using droid--from reading other threads it may be a bug in the operation system,you may have to summit a ticket--(link at top of page),or check some other threads in both forums,other gamers put out some very helpful info,hope this helps---I have an ISO operating system and got the gun right way
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    delo66delo66 Registered Users 4 Posts
    I have the latest version of IOS, but after completing the hunt 60 I did not get The Pachhyderm ...
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    theangeliitheangelii Registered Users 123 Posts
    What device and version are you all using
    I have android with 4.4.2 and did not get the shotgun after completing the 60 hunts
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    cowchowmaccowchowmac Registered Users 1 Posts
    What are all these "invitationals" and "special weapons" that yall speak of? I have been playing for six months and still have not discovered how to get to this stuff. I did get a fruity reindeer shotgun that j bought around christmas, but none of these other things. Do I need to know the secret handshake or what? Please help. thanks.
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    sandrahmartsandrahmart Registered Users 18 Posts
    I completed the assault rifle hunt in region 8 doing 60/60 and did not receive a gun. Was the gun supposed to be received now or later


    me to...w.png
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    Dirtydan76Dirtydan76 Registered Users 1 Posts
    I'm in the same boat. I receive the notifications about hunts and contests but when I follow it into the game nothing has changed; I can't figure out what to do next.
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    nlinnh14nlinnh14 Registered Users 6 Posts
    I also completed all the assualt rifle hunts in region 8 and did recieve the free weapon! Has anyone found out any answers?
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Whenever having problems with the game it helps to list info like I use android 4.3 galaxy s4. This info is important to help them to figure out what is wrong. They likely know and are working on it.
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    tpkdenvertpkdenver Registered Users 1 Posts
    I also haven't received the gun. Finished the invitational a couple days ago. Still waiting. I'm playing on iPhone 5. iOS 7.0.6.
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    Moon907Moon907 Registered Users 2 Posts
    You seem pretty knowledgeable on this so I ask. Is there a way to replay the trophy hunts on the i07 platform?
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