
hellppphelp me .. I play this game through facebook and every time I start the game I

aizatritzaizatritz Registered Users 1 Posts
help me ..
I play this game through facebook and every time I start the game I had to reload many times.


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    dave1776dave1776 Registered Users 24 Posts
    was it freezing up during the update check as me two had issues loading it on facebook as it would lock up about 1/4 of the way through the update check. My cell using google works fine just on facebook does it lock. Took me about 5 minutes of refreshing and a cache clear to get it to load but even after the clear took about 5 minutes still.
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    asramdhanasramdhan Registered Users 5 Posts
    aizatritz wrote: »
    help me ..
    I play this game through facebook and every time I start the game I had to reload many times.

    Played 'til lv 24, then when back to play again, suddenly my progressssss lost, im back to lev 1. :mad:
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    Thanks for the report everyone. We are looking into this.
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