
5 rhinos with a brain shot

JgbiffJgbiff Registered Users 4 Posts
Ok, any thoughts on how to pursue this? I have only gotten to 3 once and am getting frustrated. For some reason, I cannot use the shotgun or the pistol and hit the brain even though it looks like it is pointed at it when it is close.


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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    Use your rifle get two of them and let them attack you will get the them. The brain will appear when they attack. Good hunting
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    Fagin007Fagin007 Registered Users 14 Posts
    Yeah I second that motion, I killed two of them and then waited until the other 3 came to attack me and shot the brain when it appears.
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    There are 6 or 7 rhinos altogether, so if you're feeling confident you can take out the others without the head shot first.
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    SubH2OSubH2O Registered Users 603 Posts
    I also found it helpful to have a look at what space you have to either the left or right. Once you kill the first one charging you (after killing a couple from a distance), take a step or two in the most open direction so the next rhino is forced to go around the previous carcass instead of over/through it. Makes it much easier to see where its head is through the entire charge.
    Once the next one is killed, take another step or two in the same direction and repeat to keep a clear shot for the last one.
    They carry their head so low that it can be hidden behind a previous carcass until the very last second.
    That is another hint-- keep your weapon pointing down as you wait. The head comes in very low.
    Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1 (retired)
    iPhone 6, iOS 9.2
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    If all fails, use a sports drink to slow motion them, hit infra red, and take them all down with a brain shot.
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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    csandersonjrcsandersonjr Registered Users 8 Posts
    Pick up the rhinos in your scope as they advance. When they close put the crosshairs, not the point of the gun, to their brain..Do not let them advance without your scope on or you will miss every time.
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    GregaGrega Registered Users 12 Posts
    Easy. Shoot the first one in the brain and switch to you shotgun and wait for them to come to you.
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