
Version 1.2.3, when?

Glu admin: When is this update set for release? There are alot of loyal fans out there that are experiecing the glitches with the last update, & little success with your fixes, and are holding onto hope that the new update will rectify many of the issues. I myself have not been able to play for 2 weeks now. Please bring us into your fray & give us a shred of hope as to when this may occur. Your response is appreciated.


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    satchamosatchamo Registered Users 17 Posts
    Still no response from Glu admin on this. The silence is speaking volumes.
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    GregaGrega Registered Users 12 Posts
    On 2/27/2014 I received this from Glu.

    "The Team is aware of this issue as this is happening on few devices and hope to have a FIX ASAP.They are actively working on a solution. Thanks for your patience."

    I guess their definition of ASAP and our definition of ASAP vary greatly!
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    Sorry, but we aren't able to provide dates for updates.
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    satchamosatchamo Registered Users 17 Posts
    At least you recieved an answer....I have had a ticket for a while in & their fixes as suggested were bunk. ASAP means it'll be fixed on the next update.....god knows when.
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