
Hidden Regions? Bounties

jcasper63jcasper63 Registered Users 2 Posts
Can someone shed some light on the hidden regions/bounties for me? I haven't seen any signs of either of these two.



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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    What device are you playing on? Have you downloaded the update?
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    jcasper63jcasper63 Registered Users 2 Posts
    playing on a macbook
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    straightshooterstraightshooter Registered Users 1,231 Posts
    Complete bow events & rare hunts to unlock hidden region complete hidden region bounties unlock
    ( + )
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    jcasper63 wrote: »
    Can someone shed some light on the hidden regions/bounties for me? I haven't seen any signs of either of these two.


    Computers are not on same schedule as releases for mobile devices; I have no guess as to when next update will come for mac or pc. I do know that mac went to region 6 and pc went to region 4 only before last update that increased regions for both.
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    drynndrynn Registered Users 6 Posts
    I can't even unlock the hidden temple since region 4 is still unplayable.
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    Duncan80Duncan80 Registered Users 1 Posts
    Hidden Region completed. Look a lot longer than other regions due to the 80 odd stages, but mainly due to starting from scratch coin wise. Great level though. Looking forward to level 10 :)
    Anyone else finished it?
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    Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
    Been finished with the Hidden Region for awhile now. I'm doing the rare hunts to stockpile the Platinum coins.
    :cool:IPhone 6:cool:
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I am also done and stockpiling the platinum coins.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Done with lost temple--Not going after any specific bounties--stockpiling platinum eagles until the rare hunts run out--only have the lost temple rare hunts --the other have closed--,will go back to specific bounties after the rare hunts end
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    Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
    I just had the rare hunts in regions 3&5 end. I only have 375 eagles right now. I sure hope Region 4 and the hidden region stay open for awhile.
    :cool:IPhone 6:cool:
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    I'm done with all of the hunts and I can't get any more silver coins. Can anyone shed some light on how to get more silver coins. All I have left is bounty hunts
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I'm done with all of the hunts and I can't get any more silver coins. Can anyone shed some light on how to get more silver coins. All I have left is bounty hunts

    I think you are just going to have to wait until the next event comes out to get more eagles.

    I have 437 eagles with only region 5 rare hunt closed. How many eagles do you have?
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    I have 5 and I haven't upgraded the Barton at full max.
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    All I'm down to is the bounty hunts. Which I have a lot of them closed
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I stopped upgrading the Barton bow at the second level. I was thinking that the Barton might not be the required weapon for the next event.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    I hope not. Do you know which region has the most ducks in it. Trying to complete that bounty. Just wondering
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I hope not. Do you know which region has the most ducks in it. Trying to complete that bounty. Just wondering

    I have only found the ducks in region 1.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    SubH2OSubH2O Registered Users 603 Posts
    Mt St Helens is best for ducks. More per hunt than in region 1.
    Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1 (retired)
    iPhone 6, iOS 9.2
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Region 6 has one 10 duck hunt, region 1 has a few lower # duck hunts. Spurwing ducks don't count because they are really geese.
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    Thanks guys for the help
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    Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
    I read on here in another thread that if you left one of the regions 3,4 or 5 rare hunts open you could keep doing the rare hunt in the Hidden Region forever. Can anyone confirm this? I have been doing the Hidden Region all day. I do have one of the other rare hunts open.
    :cool:IPhone 6:cool:
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Bill1957 wrote: »
    I read on here in another thread that if you left one of the regions 3,4 or 5 rare hunts open you could keep doing the rare hunt in the Hidden Region forever. Can anyone confirm this? I have been doing the Hidden Region all day. I do have one of the other rare hunts open.

    I thought it could be the case but eventually rare hunt locked and I was left with region 5 for a few more. I was wrong thinking there was a trick.
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