
Seems bogus or like a scam...completed Region 9 and the Zombie hunt before update

d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
...and nothing happened after the update...and I was over halfway through the Region 7 Zombie hunt...got to do one more hunt and now although I have a level 9 pistol way over the power requirements it is NOT letting me hunt and stays with the red exclamation point on both the pistol and a "Spring Outbreak Pistol".

Also, what is a spring outbreak pistol? I am not spending gold when I have a pistol way over spec and have actually finished the higher level hunt with no reward.

This is starting to seem like a scam worthy of FTC and Google notification.

Also...requiring a maxed out Crossbow when you only have one crossbow in the store to hunt that Rhino when all I am going to do is use the rifle is ridiculous and scam worthy. You jumped 25 plus points REQUIRED in stability and like 200ish power between hunts? Come on man...

Make the hunt harder...or the Rhino fly or me have to kill two charging Leopards to get my shot but this type of sadistic required leap in gear shows sad game design.

Sounds like a class action lawsuit may be in order...and yes I am a gamer and yes I am deep in technology and the industry and yes I am old and sadly yes I am in Law School as well so when I say scam...I mean it and dont call that out often...this and one other game.

SCAM or a real company? Make it right.

And YES I am like level 22 almost level 23 so I have spent about 60 real dollars on the game and not done the Glu advertising bs...

Fix this or refund my money or tell me when it will be fixed.



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    Kevin965Kevin965 Registered Users 7 Posts
    You really spent money on this game im level 83 in hunts an have spent three dollars so far its a free game doubt you can sue them if you spent your money they didnt make you
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    D3, woah there, put the espresso down and your quest to save the world from all that is unsavory.

    I agree with you that it isn't logical to have to use a region 7 Outbreak weapon if you already have a region 9 Outbreak weapon. I can also understand that it would be realistic to be able to use any weapon with the adequate specifications to hunt with on any region. However, this is a video game and you will notice many 'non-realistic' game reactions and scenarios if you look hard enough, non of which I would classify as a "scam". This is also a video game you can download and play for free, also not a "scam". The only thing remotely close to dishonesty would be IF Glu stated that you have full access to all game options without spending money, and even then they could argue the point that free gold is available by watching free advertisements and completing the free bounties section of the game.

    Having said that, I would use your extensive gaming knowledge to give Glu constructive criticisms, knowledgable solutions, and helpful suggestions, so they can continue to develop this into a wonderful free game for people to play.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
    Yup I spent money...I have a life and dont have hours and hours to spend. What I said was that it is flawed and if it is intentional then that is a problem and more than likely pervades their other games which means it will rise to the level of a scam or intentional misrepresentation. 60 dollars to me is nearly zero..truly. It may not be to other people and so that matters to me for the larger picture.

    If you have something valid to add to that part of the discussion then more power to you and rock on. If not, thank you for your input. It will absolutely be given the attention and credit it deserves. Count on that. L O L

    Level 83? Doing what? Contract hunts? I call BS because I have nuked 75 percent of all the real hunts and am in my 20s. If not AND it is contract hunts you did for 60 more levels...then what in the world would possess someone to do that? Are you that bored or have no life at all? Doing the math...and knowing how much gold it takes to speed the timer up...and knowing you said you only spent three dollars...and knowing how much time it takes to regen the timer...

    Exactly how many hours are you saying you have played? When was this released? Are there even that many hours in the day? Or did you find a way to hack the game? Quadruple XP?

    Either way, add to the discussion something that is worthwhile or move along troll. I rarely take the time to register for these types of boards but when I saw how egregious these bugs and mechanics seemed to have gotten...I felt it was worthwhile to point it out.

    Is that elementary enough for you to understand Chucklehead or do I need to post it in crayon?

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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
    Now this is the type of feedback that I can appreciate.

    I completed 9 prepatch and it never gave me a reward at all. Post...or prepatch.

    The money is a trivial thing for me. The concept it not. Prepatch I wad able to access the pistol hunts and was merrily making my way through them without a pistol which was odd anyway. Post patch...9 is done and 7 is halfway...one more hunt then it throws in the pistol requirement...cool...level 9 140k pistol and upgrades bought...now it throws in something that cannot even be bought with game dollars from what I can tell as a requirement to progress.

    That seems fishy. While I dont like the crossbow requirement...at least there is a long path to get there (assuming the 50 to 80 silver coin upgrades I expect will be required can get that crossbow there).

    Anyway, *bugs aside* I would rather it be so difficult to hunt with the wrong weapons that you dont rather than put those requirements in. Make it near impossible...dont let me take a shot gun on a pheasant hunt...etc.

    If Glu wants feedback then rock on. I seldom see these game companies care at all.

    Have not had coffee yet but when I do...oh boy...watch out!

    Thanks for the input David. Some of what you are saying makes complete sense.

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    JpranchJpranch Registered Users 8 Posts
    Level 73. Dollars spent $0.00.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    d3t0x wrote: »
    Yup I spent money...I have a life and dont have hours and hours to spend. What I said was that it is flawed and if it is intentional then that is a problem and more than likely pervades their other games which means it will rise to the level of a scam or intentional misrepresentation. 60 dollars to me is nearly zero..truly. It may not be to other people and so that matters to me for the larger picture.

    If you have something valid to add to that part of the discussion then more power to you and rock on. If not, thank you for your input. It will absolutely be given the attention and credit it deserves. Count on that. L O L

    Level 83? Doing what? Contract hunts? I call BS because I have nuked 75 percent of all the real hunts and am in my 20s. If not AND it is contract hunts you did for 60 more levels...then what in the world would possess someone to do that? Are you that bored or have no life at all? Doing the math...and knowing how much gold it takes to speed the timer up...and knowing you said you only spent three dollars...and knowing how much time it takes to regen the timer...

    Exactly how many hours are you saying you have played? When was this released? Are there even that many hours in the day? Or did you find a way to hack the game? Quadruple XP?

    Either way, add to the discussion something that is worthwhile or move along troll. I rarely take the time to register for these types of boards but when I saw how egregious these bugs and mechanics seemed to have gotten...I felt it was worthwhile to point it out.

    Is that elementary enough for you to understand Chucklehead or do I need to post it in crayon?


    So where's the scam ,did GLU require you to spend 60.00 and then not give you what you purchased? --seem to me that you are an only sibling and use to getting your way,so by insulting people's intelligence, and implying that we are hacking,just because we have put in the time to level up, and you don't feel you should have to play the game the way it was design;IE buying the region 7 gun for the zombies---maybe you should reconsider wasting you time with threads--and could you use crayons for future post, that would be so cool--would you please use different colors ---thanks
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    d3t0x wrote: »
    Yup I spent money...I have a life and dont have hours and hours to spend. What I said was that it is flawed and if it is intentional then that is a problem and more than likely pervades their other games which means it will rise to the level of a scam or intentional misrepresentation....


    DH2014(Glu) business model is to offer a choice to not have to wait to play and offers the choice to make play easier with better weapons. This choice they offer requires either more of your time or more of your real money. If Glu isn't given the choice to make real money then I doubt they'll have the choice to be a real business. As that relates to 'intentional misrepresentation', I guess that is the larger picture of how to apply established business laws to regulate online only virtual media content businesses. Would software companies have the same trouble if they didn't offer hard copies of their intellectual property? Do I hear an idea for a term paper?

    As for the real reason I'm on the forum....I want to continue to play a fun game, preferably for free, and continue to add suggestions to Glu to keep this game going without hiccups or disappointing people/****ing them off/ripping them off.

    How about those game content ideas? *bugs aside* as you say.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
    You did not listen. Move along or learn to read better?

    It is impossible to insult intelligence that is not present so...ya know?

    This has NOTHING to do with the money.


    I spent that to shorten the time in game. I am fine with that. Maybe that is also why I am only in my 20s and nearly done with all relevant content. Who cares about 60 bucks?

    I repeat...it has NOTHING to do with the money.


    It has to do with bugs (as pointed out) and a broken mechanic it would seem.


    Thank you for your flawed psycho-analysis.

    I have filed it under:

    "*** Reading Comprehension Is Your Friend"

    ...under the sub-heading

    "God Kills a Kitten Every Time You Fail to Understand Basic Concepts: Pleae Save the Kittens"

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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
    That post you quoted was for the guy above you not you. Your post had relative points put forth in a coherent and salient manner.

    As far as the suggestions, I have made them already.

    1.) Make it ridiculously hard to hunt without the specs rather than putting artificial requirements on it.

    2.) Overall make it far harder in general to play this game than it is if you want to progress

    3.) Don't release such incredibly buggy updates without a way to rapidly resolve the problems

    And some others...

    4.) Make it painful to die.

    5.) Make some stuff only behind a paywall if you want to make more money. XBox One...360...PS3 and 4 games all do that. Will people whine? Sure. Tears are a guarantee on the Internet...but at least then you would have a community that cares and supports you when you do good things versus some random chumps hitching a free ride for you you to capture their eye*****. That way you could devote time to patches instead of rushing them out the door in hopes of keeping the Ritalin addled masses happy enough to look at ads.

    6.) Create a version I can pay for to remove those annoying ads

    And while we are at it:

    7.) Why don't I ask for a PVP mode so I can nuke the hell out of the simpleton Carebears above me (seemingly excluding you) who have significant reading comprehension challenges.

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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts
    Again David...your posts have good points.

    My ire is directed at the random crai m0r trolls that have no real valid input either way to the situation at hand and have NOT even bothered to comprehend what I am saying.

    Again...73 is crazy to me but I short cutted the game...so at least the level 80plus guy is probably telling the truth. Actually spending that much time grinding contract hunts kind of makes my eyes bleed to think about but I burned out on that kind of time invested grinding 9 guild members and myself to High Warlord (chain playing 12 plus hours a day) in the old school (read real before arena BS) World of Warcraft honor system.

    This is all for context. Period.

    Also David I do believe you are on track re: commerce laws etc. and these type of biz models. I have already seen too much outside the bounds of reasonable man expectation. When these bugs hit, I decided to speak up about it.

    That is why I am on these forums. Beyond that I speak with my money and game play to support companies including Glu. I expect they appreciate a paying customer as much as the non-paying one they have to monetize based on those lame ads and people giving away their souls by signing up for every sales database under the sun.

    I could be wrong though.

    Again, I appreciate your thoughts.

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    TdubTdub Registered Users 706 Posts
    Say What??
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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts

    Yup. As I said...

    Point made.

    You must be from the South too? rofl
    Solid link.

    I would post the fanboi whambulance in response but it would seem so...trite at this point.


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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    d3t0x wrote: »
    You did not listen. Move along or learn to read better?

    It is impossible to insult intelligence that is not present so...ya know?

    This has NOTHING to do with the money.


    I spent that to shorten the time in game. I am fine with that. Maybe that is also why I am only in my 20s and nearly done with all relevant content. Who cares about 60 bucks?

    I repeat...it has NOTHING to do with the money.


    It has to do with bugs (as pointed out) and a broken mechanic it would seem.


    Thank you for your flawed psycho-analysis.

    I have filed it under:

    "*** Reading Comprehension Is Your Friend"

    ...under the sub-heading

    "God Kills a Kitten Every Time You Fail to Understand Basic Concepts: Pleae Save the Kittens"


    What no crayons,I was really look froward to all the pretty colors----agreed we should save the kitten
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    Jesus LivesJesus Lives Registered Users 123 Posts
    The reason I will never spend a penny on this game is because of the way they try and force through manipulation. I already own higher powered weapons than the ones they want to to spend money on. Great game yes. Bad methods for sure.
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    d3t0xd3t0x Registered Users 13 Posts

    Save the Kittens!
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    Can't we just all get along?
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Someone certainly enjoys to just type and type, perhaps a real detox is need instead of just a made up moniker one (d3t0x)... The bug in the most recent update was fixed within 24 hours, update was pulled within a few hours of release. If you took time to read the forum at all instead of just blowing through the event it would have been known. I assume you only read enough to try and find a way to disagree or attempt to downgrade others to help you feel better since in truth...well we all know the truth, but to not be baited into your obvious trolling I will try to help your narrow mind perhaps see a little wider. This pay wall you suggest is the events requiring a weapon that costs gold, that does not seem all that difficult to comprehend. With regions the animals do tend to become more resilient and hunts are more difficult; plus there are countless weapons that can be purchased to make hunts easier or harder. If you took half the time to appreciate and play the game as you did making completely frivolous statements and belittling people I think we all would enjoy it more. Quite frankly you never really made a point and then flip flopped on it, this whole thread is you being a troll. One person agrees somewhat, you are nice enough, someone doesn't agree and they get attacked; it is a forum thread meant for discussion, it is not your bridge.
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    biggamepisalbiggamepisal Registered Users 115 Posts
    Wow. Such hostility. Let me say that I thought it was a crock to require me to purchase a lesser weapon when I had its big brother already I hand, but I'm not sure we need to crucify Glu over it. A simple complaint and a genuine one indeed would have been far more constructive. They've made some very fair changes to this game and I believe they are beginning to see that their greed did to a point affect their game, but now that they are working with us, let's give them some leeway to make money. It does cost to license this stuff and maintain it.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Kyra420 wrote: »
    Someone certainly enjoys to just type and type, perhaps a real detox is need instead of just a made up moniker one (d3t0x)... The bug in the most recent update was fixed within 24 hours, update was pulled within a few hours of release. If you took time to read the forum at all instead of just blowing through the event it would have been known. I assume you only read enough to try and find a way to disagree or attempt to downgrade others to help you feel better since in truth...well we all know the truth, but to not be baited into your obvious trolling I will try to help your narrow mind perhaps see a little wider. This pay wall you suggest is the events requiring a weapon that costs gold, that does not seem all that difficult to comprehend. With regions the animals do tend to become more resilient and hunts are more difficult; plus there are countless weapons that can be purchased to make hunts easier or harder. If you took half the time to appreciate and play the game as you did making completely frivolous statements and belittling people I think we all would enjoy it more. Quite frankly you never really made a point and then flip flopped on it, this whole thread is you being a troll. One person agrees somewhat, you are nice enough, someone doesn't agree and they get attacked; it is a forum thread meant for discussion, it is not your bridge.

    Without a question this is the best reply to a thread that I have read----
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    MenipoMenipo Registered Users 218 Posts
    Law School .... Scam ... Class action lawsuit ... FTC notification ... Intentional misrepresentation ....

    Bla, bla, bla, bla ....

    Zombi hunt was a deception ... Lawyer hunt might be an alternative to explore ... With different species in different regions ... Region 8 fully licensed, region 6 preparing the bar exam, and region 2 Law Schoolers (including Law School staff such as janitators, handymen, etc. who proudly say to relatives and friends that they are in Law School).

    PS. GLU: talk to my lawyer for the royalties stuff. My ideas are not for free ....
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    Samer MadbakSamer Madbak Registered Users 1,247 Posts
    many of us here in the forum are "experienced" players, who have been playing the game for six months or more. I am on level 80, spent zero dollars, and I play on average half an hour a day, I am sure many others fall in the same category, we do have lives... Eventually this a game, the people who create the game need to be paid and they make money by making this fictional game more unrealistic with unrealistic guns, unrealistic updates and unrealistic animals....
    Playing on LG G4 (Android)
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Menipo wrote: »
    Law School .... Scam ... Class action lawsuit ... FTC notification ... Intentional misrepresentation ....

    Bla, bla, bla, bla ....

    Zombi hunt was a deception ... Lawyer hunt might be an alternative to explore ... With different species in different regions ... Region 8 fully licensed, region 6 preparing the bar exam, and region 2 Law Schoolers (including Law School staff such as janitators, handymen, etc. who proudly say to relatives and friends that they are in Law School).

    PS. GLU: talk to my lawyer for the royalties stuff. My ideas are not for free ....

    Have you had your idea copyrighted , just in case there is a lawyer hunting event
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    MenipoMenipo Registered Users 218 Posts
    Have you had your idea copyrighted , just in case there is a lawyer hunting event

    Absolutely. I asked my lawyer to do that ....

    The idea came to me when I was in the middle of a coyote hunting and reminded that old story which says:

    Question: How can you tell the difference between an attorney lying dead in the road and a coyote lying dead in the road?
    Answer: With the coyote, you usually see skid marks.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Menipo wrote: »
    Absolutely. I asked my lawyer to do that ....

    The idea came to me when I was in the middle of a coyote hunting and reminded that old story which says:

    Question: How can you tell the difference between an attorney lying dead in the road and a coyote lying dead in the road?
    Answer: With the coyote, you usually see skid marks.

    Good one,is also true that buzzards won't eat them
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