
Spring Outbreak Complete....NO REWARDS

Da.FreakDa.Freak Registered Users 4 Posts
*W.T.F*...Im 100% sure the news bar said complete the outbreak stages to win level 10 weapons...I've now done so and got absolute JACK SH!T..

Not a Happy Hunter GLU I give you the tip. What is the deal will I receive them when the new up date comes out or have you just shafted me and rest off us... W.T.F


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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    Are you in an android device? The first update had some problems. Check to see if there is another download available.

    Completing the region 7 event will win you a region 10 pistol. Completing the region 9 event will win you a region 10 assault rifle.

    By the way, calm down. It is just a game. And we are all customers on this forum.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    Da.FreakDa.Freak Registered Users 4 Posts
    Sorry Shepeck if I offended you but I have completed both and didn't receive the rewards.

    Just a little annoyed that's all...And I'm on iOS system fully updated in level 52 and with over 8mill in hunters cash was hoping to spend some upgrading the weapons I earnt completeing the those stages...

    Just felling ripper off again that's all :-(
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    I am also on apple iOS. I won the weapons. I think you are the first to say on this forum that you didn't win the weapons when using an apple device.

    The only thing I can suggest is to submit a trouble ticket. Good luck.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    Hot13tHot13t Registered Users 8 Posts
    I also completed it last night on iOS and did not receive any rewards, no credits or a pistol or anything.
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    Hot13tHot13t Registered Users 8 Posts
    I think it was the update that came this morning for me that would have fixed it, but too late. I had already finished it and missed the rewards.
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    odinssohn1980odinssohn1980 Registered Users 2 Posts
    Same here... Finished both no rewards.... And my Region 9 scharfrichter pistol gone....
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