
I want a REFUND

luneyluney Registered Users 4 Posts
This is total ****. I spend alot of money on this game. I had no problems until recently when you guys decided to change everything. For the most part the changes were good. Now some dumb@ss, in their infinite wisdom, decided to create a whole new currency for the game. We accepted this and did not complain. You decided to give us weapons that could ONLY be bought or upgraded using this new currency. We did not complain about that either. Now, i'm guessing the same aforementioned dumb@ss, decided to remove the ONLY way for us to accumulate the necessary currency required to finish updating these nice new weapons. What is wrong with you people? You should have just left the rare hunts alone. Now every single one of the regions on both my android phone and my ipad say that the rare hunts are completed. Nobody complained about you requiring the time requirements to perform more rare hunts. Hell, it was nice when you actually fixed it so we could see our progress in fulfilling the time requirements by completing the tedious low reward hunts in the lower numbered regions. Why would you take away the one reason that was left to continue playing the game while we wait for your snail like delivery of the new regions. Then after your last update you screwed up the zombie stuff on my phone so bad. It let me complete 29 out of the 30 hunts without the event weapons before requiring an update that now prevents me from completing it. I have no possible way to acquire any more platinum eagles to upgrade my bows. In fact it didn't reward me any at all while doing the zombie hunts either. Even if i buy the gun to complete the lower level series (1 hunt left) I would only get 1 single coin before I have to spend even more glu-credits to purchase the other pistol to complete the higher level one .This ****es me off to no end. Either give me back my rare hunts or give me my money back. Not only have I spent alot of real money for in game items, but on the ipad I actually spent real money just to get the game. THIS IS UTTER AND COMPLETE BS!


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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    Wow!!! Sucks to be you. I have experienced zero issues. Submit a trouble ticket and maybe you can get your issues resolved.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    appliancedudeappliancedude Registered Users 113 Posts
    What's bs is that you spent real money to get the game on iPad. Nope, didn't happen. The game's free.
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    Timber ghostTimber ghost Registered Users 371 Posts
    Whaaaa,whaaaa, blah ,blah ---by "this is utter and complete bs"- you were referring to you comment ?if not then it applies anyway
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    Sheppeck wrote: »
    Wow!!! Sucks to be you. I have experienced zero issues. Submit a trouble ticket and maybe you can get your issues resolved.

    Well that's just great for all of you that have no problems!! But no need to rub it in the faces of people that do! Look at all the threads, there ARE a lot of gamers that have them. I actually think that there are more people that have problems with this game, They just didn't post it. Probably just don't play it anymore. It gets very frustrating, like having a car you like a lot, but it doesn't run quite right!
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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    appliancedudeappliancedude Registered Users 113 Posts
    Then get an I device. All droids have a problem on most games. The reasons are to numerous to list. iPhone iPad no problems.
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    todfoxxtodfoxx Registered Users 1,933 Posts
    That's total bs! I've read plenty of threads of Apple problems, there far from being completely trouble free!
    Galaxy tab S :cool: Kindle hdx
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    mdjdmdjd Banned Users 33 Posts
    Escaping from a psycho ward is irresponsible. Posting on a public forum is even more irresponsible.
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    appliancedudeappliancedude Registered Users 113 Posts
    todfoxx wrote: »
    That's total bs! I've read plenty of threads of Apple problems, there far from being completely trouble free!

    I didn't say trouble free. I said no problems. Of course there are glitches with the I app. But compared to droid it's not a problem:)

    The only problem I've had was waiting
    A week to get the hidden region. And frankly seeing there was virtually no issues with it when it arrived I'm glad it was postponed. How many complaints were there for the droid users?

    Comparing the two platforms for glitches. I wins hands down sorry:(
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