
Stuck on Region 4 - FREEZING!!

I am so FRUSTRATED! I just started playing Deer Hunter and it was great! I was so in love with the game UNTIL...Region 4. When ever I start a Trophy Hunt, Hunting Series, or a Contract Hunt it starts glitching and the game starts getting choppy and eventually freezes. When this happens I have to turn off my tablet and turn it back on. So i'm stuck on Region 4 because I can't complete the Trophy Hunt. Regions 1, 2, and 3 are fine though, I am able to play all those just fine; only Region 4 is having problems.

I've also updated the Open Season update, but this problem is still continuing. PLEASE HELP!


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    HerbieTheHunterHerbieTheHunter Registered Users 9 Posts
    I am in the same boat as you. Love this game, but can't progress. There are many running into this issue. The map with two ponds in region 4 and 9 cause the entire device to hang. If you look through the reviews for this game, especially on amazon.com, they are littered with many people complaining about this same issue. There are also several threads on this forum discussing the same issue. It has been known about by GLU for months. All of us who are experiencing this bug are waiting for a fix. Hopefully the next release.
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    sedgsedg Registered Users 2 Posts
    I just feed up with this all the updates and not a fix in any of them for the problem
    Get serious what good is it to keep this game if your not going to fix it!
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    mwrhgcmwrhgc Registered Users 134 Posts
    VDDH2014 wrote: »
    I am so FRUSTRATED! I just started playing Deer Hunter and it was great! I was so in love with the game UNTIL...Region 4. When ever I start a Trophy Hunt, Hunting Series, or a Contract Hunt it starts glitching and the game starts getting choppy and eventually freezes. When this happens I have to turn off my tablet and turn it back on. So i'm stuck on Region 4 because I can't complete the Trophy Hunt. Regions 1, 2, and 3 are fine though, I am able to play all those just fine; only Region 4 is having problems.

    I've also updated the Open Season update, but this problem is still continuing. PLEASE HELP!

    Its ridiculous that this bug goes unfixed... and why would glu open new hunts on this troubled region?? Does anybody understand that logic? It shows me that glu is run by morons
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