
server down......

newdiannenewdianne Registered Users 16 Posts
I have been unable to use my money to buy gold or glu cash for months now. I have money in my google account but when I click to purchase, I receive a message stating that the server is down and I will receive my purchase when it returns.. I have been trying daily with no results. Does anyone else have this problem. I have submitted a ticket but with no response


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    Eric BEric B Registered Users 52 Posts
    Yes same here just trying to do offers not purchase any credits but that would explain it
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    newdiannenewdianne Registered Users 16 Posts
    I have deposited money to my Google play and have another card to add to the account. I cannot use it towards this game because I get this message about the server being down from inside Deer Hunting 2014. Any other games or apps work fine. I am at my wits end because I hear nothing back from GLU
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    Are you on a jailbroken/rooted device? If so, completing transactions may not always be successful. Can you tell us what device/OS you are on?
    Also, please reply to your ticket to keep the process going.
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    newdiannenewdianne Registered Users 16 Posts
    I am using a nexus 7. I am still unable to purchase anything with the google play credit that I have
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    newdiannenewdianne Registered Users 16 Posts
    I am still unable to make purchases. I added money to Google play. Have another card that I haven't entered bc I don't want that money hanging in limbo.
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