
Region 11

Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
I just looked at region 11 and the reward for the contract hunts went up. The two hunts I have ready to do both payout 13,827. Before the update the payouts were a touch over 13,000. I wonder if they changed the difficulty????
:cool:IPhone 6:cool:


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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    That is strange. Glu has never before changed the amount of money you get for the contract hunts.
    And I really don't think Glu changed anything to the actual hunts since I didn't have to download region 11 after the independence update. Right now I am to busy to find our for sure since I am playing the new event.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    TdubTdub Registered Users 706 Posts
    $13,913 for the bengal tiger hunt...wow
    Say What??
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    Both of the contract hunts I have displayed on region 11 also read $13,913.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    DjRadNaDDjRadNaD Registered Users 1,448 Posts
    13,9 here too
    My device: iPhone 5c
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    garymckinnon31garymckinnon31 Registered Users 176 Posts
    You get 28,000 for gong. So there was a price difference between the two. I'm still killing gong. I keep him around for quick cash but I really don't need the money. Plus when you are getting ready to level up you don't loose any energy.
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    Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
    Just did 6 contract hunts and the new rewards are 13,913 and 13,827. The hunts seem the same, however I have not done a hornbill hunt yet.
    :cool:IPhone 6:cool:
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    Bill1957Bill1957 Registered Users 972 Posts
    Just did a Hornbill hunt and they are huge. They actually look like birds not specks of dirt. Just normal sight with no magnification. Much easier.
    :cool:IPhone 6:cool:
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    SheppeckSheppeck Registered Users 1,609 Posts
    Bill1957 wrote: »
    Just did a Hornbill hunt and they are huge. They actually look like birds not specks of dirt. Just normal sight with no magnification. Much easier.

    The hornbill hunt was my favorite on region 11. Since it was the hardest hunt by far on that region.
    :cool:iPhone 6:cool:
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    TdubTdub Registered Users 706 Posts
    Finally come up with a real challenging hunt and people whine and cry it is too hard...so what do they do but make it as easy as the rest of the hunts.
    Say What??
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    DjRadNaDDjRadNaD Registered Users 1,448 Posts
    I think gluadmin should take the time to create a poll; "do you think the game should be harder or easier?"

    personally I think that if a player has gotten to region 11 it should be more challenging as we go....
    My device: iPhone 5c
    Choice Dude on Board
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    casajrcasajr Registered Users 1,468 Posts
    Personally, I thought Region 11 was far too easy with the exception of getting the 5 animals during a hunt. In the Hunting Series, most animals were standing in front of you and you could throw a rock at them if you had one. I didn't have a were not problem with the tiny hornbills after I figured out that my screen wasn't dirty and that is really what I needed to shoot at.
    Common Sense is an ultra-rare superpower.
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    wsmitty01wsmitty01 Registered Users 37 Posts
    Still shooting the elephant, piling up the bucks for region 12!!
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    vid666vid666 Registered Users 76 Posts
    Tdub wrote: »
    Finally come up with a real challenging hunt and people whine and cry it is too hard...so what do they do but make it as easy as the rest of the hunts.
    So true. Which is why the game has no replayability and why no one in the right mind would pay real money for items. If the maps were super hard and challenging it wouldn't take literally hours to finish new content before you are back to collecting worthless hunter bucks doing the same handful of monotonous contract hunts. It makes me angry when games dumbed down. Blizzard is famous for that. They come up with great games and then patch them to the lowest skilled players until 5 year olds can play them.
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    DjRadNaDDjRadNaD Registered Users 1,448 Posts
    vid666 wrote: »
    So true. Which is why the game has no replayability and why no one in the right mind would pay real money for items. If the maps were super hard and challenging it wouldn't take literally hours to finish new content before you are back to collecting worthless hunter bucks doing the same handful of monotonous contract hunts. It makes me angry when games dumbed down. Blizzard is famous for that. They come up with great games and then patch them to the lowest skilled players until 5 year olds can play them.

    yea it is my absolute least favorite thing that companies do. especially when you compare them to games that take you many tries, and feel very accomplished in the end
    My device: iPhone 5c
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    DjRadNaD wrote: »
    yea it is my absolute least favorite thing that companies do. especially when you compare them to games that take you many tries, and feel very accomplished in the end

    Glu could add a difficulty setting to the game: novice,average,experienced - all they would have to do is change the amount and speed of the animals. Less animals that run faster vs. more animals that run slower.

    Although this might disrupt the current leaderboards, you could have a green star next to stats acquired on the easy setting, yellow for average, red for hard. Current leader board would equal average...change game setting to hard for red star stats and less/faster animals....although some of the current hunts only allow you to miss 1 or 2 animals without failing the hunt so the "experienced" setting would have to be faster running animals and only the exact amount you needed with less time on the clock.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    DjRadNaDDjRadNaD Registered Users 1,448 Posts
    just wanted to officially state the new hunt prices.

    the 2 gaur hunts, the elephant hunt, and the leopard hunt on the bamboo map. 4hunts total pay 13,827

    the other 10 hunts pay 13,913.
    My device: iPhone 5c
    Choice Dude on Board
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    swaggerjrswaggerjr Registered Users 116 Posts
    I'd like that....just play hunt 10 times u get arround 140000 cash....mean if i play at 100 hunt how much cash i get.....that arrond 1.4 M cash.....it just i play n count for 1 day.....wow !!!

    Nice Work Glu......
    :cool:Android tablet note 10.1:rolleyes:
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