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deerhunter716 · Experienced Member


  • Yup Scotty has every single Legend I knew was available... Let me guess he spent thousands of $$..... lol
  • Yup they either cheat or literally spend thousands....
  • He may not be a cheater - agreed. But to have EVERY hitter - he must be one of the few to legitly spend thousands of $$....
  • There may be a few who spend thousands and thousands on this vs. going to a resort for a week lol But yeah I am seeing way too many teams and like you said I bet a majority are cheating.
  • So how much gold did you spend to get Bernie Williams, Albert Belle, Ted Williams, Jim Rice? Do shed some light :) That would cost in the thousands literally to get all of those with the amount of gold spent on boxes or fan rewards and I mean thousands of $$$...
  • 9 | 11 | 11 - pretty good.
  • VERY lucky today as had Nolan already. Spent 30k to get Aurilia in fan rewards. Ended up pulling Orel, Gaylord, and Niekro also in 15 boxes.
  • So is Aurilia the best SS now at 12 | 9 | 4 - any Legends better? I know Ernie Banks is not that good.
  • So Robots 15-18 members are literally spending thousands upon thousands of $ then to get the types of legensds nobody is even close to getting due to the $ required?
  • All the proof needed period - they can talk **** about the rest of it all they want. But the fact is not having Boone and spending all the gold for the legends is simply not possible....
  • Yup - a legend with 6 posts.... lol
  • Yep if you see it - no brainer and matches exactly what can be done via stuff you find on the web.
  • Yeah but you did not spend thousands upon thousands... So doubt I can get you to buy my land deal... No photo for you!!
  • Ah so no framed photo for you - darn :( Heck I can sweeten the pot and maybe someone from that club will bite - 2 for 1 and will include Cecil Cooper!! Bet nobody knew he was a legend in the game. Only a few have him.....
  • Let's keep it civil this time though :) Still waiting to hear some of those guys on if they spend thousands upon thousands to get all those Legends. If so I really do have land for sale - seriously!!! Heck pick the favorite legend from your team and I will include a framed photo of him for you! ** Sorry though I cannot…
  • Saw the proof and it is legit. I mean if you have bought any Legends boxes you would know how much gold it would take to accumulate 15+ legends.... A #$!% ton!!!
  • So you admit to spending thousands of dollars on gold to get all those legends? And I mean THOUSANDS.... I have good land for sale and will include a frame photo of the Glu logo for you free of charge LMAO
  • The funny thing is they think people are stupid and would not realize it would take thousands of $ to get them all.... Unless they are the dumbest idiots in the world racking up credit card debt - well then I got this super good deal on land to sell you. Your neighbors will speak perfect Russian!!
  • Boone was fan rewards for some... 15 boxes x 2k = 30k gold to get him LMAO Again take Boone out of it now. To get ALL those Legends you would have to spend literally thousands upon thousands of dollars in gold to open the Legends boxes with. So again I ask do you and all the guys spend thousands? LMAO
  • Wait til you start facing teams with RP's Righetti, Gagne, and company...
  • The "entire" game is not server side..... If he is lying then please explain HOW did some of them get ALL the legends without having Boone? You only had to open 15 legends boxes to get him LMAO And to get all of those legends you would spend easily over $10k USD... Do your guys all spend over $10,000???
  • Yup - I saw the proof as well. Confirms what I thought was going on.
  • And we have a winner there!! Really common sense for sure!!
  • Simple fact is that to have ALL of those Legends players it would cost easily over $10,000 in gold alone IF you got somewhat lucky on the legends boxes - that is why it is total BS LOL Shoot - fan rewards alone used to cost $200 in gold per Prime player not to mention now the bonus tiers cost more gold now. Then toss in…
  • Spot on - have heard a lot about scripts so stuff costs only 1 gold. Glu has HORRIBLE logs if any. I was supposed to have something credited to my account and they could not produce the logs at all LOL
  • How does it work with the tie breaker though and run differential?
  • Much better chance at class action lawsuit on how before the useless 5 star drafts - they fixed SOME folks issues who already had the Prime player being offered in the club event. Then they actually posted on these forums admitting they took care of some people but no longer could fix anyone else. You have a better shot…
  • Agreed 12 hit is huge and will be on base a lot more than Wright and being a Lefty with a LOT more RHP is another plus.
  • It is just like the all star drafts - where yo uhave a chance at a 5 star player but 99% of the time you get a 3, 4, or 4.5 star player.
  • Feel your pain - the 15th was the last time I got an update from CSR on an issue. Before that I would usually get a quick lone liner every other day stating we are looking into this (to make it look like they were doing something on it)...

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Fourth AnniversaryFirst Comment10 Comments100 CommentsFirst AnniversarySecond AnniversaryThird Anniversary