
[ANDROID] can i do backup and restore game?

wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
I see the IOS user can do backup and restore their game state, so they can use this to upgrade weapon/armor and revert back to previous condition if failed.

How about android?



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    jds8585jds8585 Registered Users 28 Posts
    Don't do it,doesn't work for android.
    Level 65 Dragon Slayer. Favorite weapons: Dragon Bane, Mystic Axe, Vile Sickle Swords.
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    AlexanderkeAlexanderke Registered Users 18 Posts
    Android players can use titanium backup or toolbox
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    T4underboltT4underbolt Registered Users 54 Posts
    There are 2 ways to bacukp and restore.

    1) Your device must be rooted. Use Titanium Backup. After finishing the game before doing new backup(new one will replace the old one)copy ewarriors2 backup files(3 files in Titanium Backup folder)to another folder on your sd card called for example EternityBackup. Then after copying it you can do a backup with Titanium.

    Why should you do this?

    When you leave the game the gamestate is saving itself by replacing data files, but this process can be corrupted and data files will be broken so if you backup now with Titanium, old backup that has data files that works fine will be replaced by new backup of corrupted data files so restoring it wont make a difference. If you copied previous backup and youll see that your game has crashed and even after restore of backup your game still doesnt work, you just delete new backup files and replace it with those that you copied before to EternityBackup folder and you know its working.

    2) This is the same thing but you do a backup without using Titanium. Remember to use here the same method of saving old backup to another folder. In this solution you must create 2 folders. First one for example: EternityBackupOld(here you put old backup the same like in first solution) and second one EternityBackupNEW(here you put data files that was saved right now after you played the game). Data files can be found here internal memory ====> android =====>data ======>com.glu.ewarriors2. you copy this whole folder.

    Now and example:
    You have your old data files in EternityOLD folder and new data files in EternityNEW folder. Now there are 2 possibilities:
    1) You run the game again to play and it works, so after you finish playing, you delete data files in EternityOLD folder and then move data files from EternityNEW folder to EternityOLD folder. Then you COPY data folder from android/data/ to Eternity NEW folder. Your backup is complete you dont have to worry even if newbackup files are corrupted you can always back OLD backup that is working.

    2)Game doesnt work. You delete data files from EternityNEW folder and then you have to copy data files from EternityOLD and paste it(and replaced it) into data folder of the game in android/data.

    All what have you seen here is a solution if you lose your progress and from 50 lvl youll end up with 1 lvl again.
    I'd like to see you using this to cheat like iOS users did. I get my equipment and 65lvl with hard work without cheating with upgrades.
    LVL: 71 | Title: Dragon Lord | Weapon: Dragon Breakers | Helmet: Wyrm Slayer's Helm | Shoulder: General's Shoulder | Belt: General's Belt | Armpiece: General's Armpiece | Leggins: General's Leggins
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    There are 2 ways to bacukp and restore.

    1) Your device must be rooted. Use Titanium Backup. After finishing the game before doing new backup(new one will replace the old one)copy ewarriors2 backup files(3 files in Titanium Backup folder)to another folder on your sd card called for example EternityBackup. Then after copying it you can do a backup with Titanium.

    Why should you do this?

    When you leave the game the gamestate is saving itself by replacing data files, but this process can be corrupted and data files will be broken so if you backup now with Titanium, old backup that has data files that works fine will be replaced by new backup of corrupted data files so restoring it wont make a difference. If you copied previous backup and youll see that your game has crashed and even after restore of backup your game still doesnt work, you just delete new backup files and replace it with those that you copied before to EternityBackup folder and you know its working.

    2) This is the same thing but you do a backup without using Titanium. Remember to use here the same method of saving old backup to another folder. In this solution you must create 2 folders. First one for example: EternityBackupOld(here you put old backup the same like in first solution) and second one EternityBackupNEW(here you put data files that was saved right now after you played the game). Data files can be found here internal memory ====> android =====>data ======>com.glu.ewarriors2. you copy this whole folder.

    Now and example:
    You have your old data files in EternityOLD folder and new data files in EternityNEW folder. Now there are 2 possibilities:
    1) You run the game again to play and it works, so after you finish playing, you delete data files in EternityOLD folder and then move data files from EternityNEW folder to EternityOLD folder. Then you COPY data folder from android/data/ to Eternity NEW folder. Your backup is complete you dont have to worry even if newbackup files are corrupted you can always back OLD backup that is working.

    2)Game doesnt work. You delete data files from EternityNEW folder and then you have to copy data files from EternityOLD and paste it(and replaced it) into data folder of the game in android/data.

    All what have you seen here is a solution if you lose your progress and from 50 lvl youll end up with 1 lvl again.
    I'd like to see you using this to cheat like iOS users did. I get my equipment and 65lvl with hard work without cheating with upgrades.

    Thanks with the great way to do backup.
    What tool do you use in step number 2? does it needs to be rooted as well?
    I am a new android user, and have been hearing about rooted device, wonder if this will affect my device.

    i am level 55, and started to feel this game took my time, with the needs to upgrade the weapon, so just thinking if i can do the "cheat", would be good lol
    but if it's complicated as that my device need to be rooted, i dont think i will try it.
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    lvlark02lvlark02 Registered Users 326 Posts
    for method 1: just get Tibu Pro & u should be able to change backup history from 1 to 50, so it doesn't overwrite the older backups until it reach the maximum.

    on method 2: all u need is a file manager, theres plenty of apps for that or android has its own but limited functions tho

    with that being said always backup whenever there's a new update for the game
    [ANDROID] EW2 Lv75 Grand Dragon Lord
    [ANDROID] EW3 Lv42 Warrior, Lv18 Mage
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    ImrulkzImrulkz Registered Users 677 Posts
    Android players can use titanium backup or toolbox

    Hi fren are u remember me,
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    AlexanderkeAlexanderke Registered Users 18 Posts
    From previous forum maybe?
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    Hi i have tried this using filecommander (built in apps). Copy the com.glu.ewarrior2 to my sdcard.
    Then i do something on my game purposely and delete the original folder in android/data/com.glu.ewarrior2 and replace this with my previous save data.
    No change at all.

    I even try to delete all the original folder (com.glu.ewar) and run the game. I can open my game and It still the same with the last state of my game and the deleted folder will be created automatically.

    Do i need to root the device in order for this to work?
    Where did i do wrong?

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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    The only way I know it works for sure is rooted + titanium backup
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    Is tny negativ effect, if an android device us rooted?
    Warranty etc?
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    lvlark02lvlark02 Registered Users 326 Posts
    rooting does void warranty but u can unroot as well
    [ANDROID] EW2 Lv75 Grand Dragon Lord
    [ANDROID] EW3 Lv42 Warrior, Lv18 Mage
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    ibfistibfist Registered Users 3 Posts
    there is another way for android user do not need to be rooted..just download the Carbon from playstore..here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.koushikdutta.backup&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5rb3VzaGlrZHV0dGEuYmFja3VwIl0. and follow the instruction there..Good luck...
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    Does the second method using filemanager need to be rooted?
    It does not work
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    T4underboltT4underbolt Registered Users 54 Posts
    Wewehalim the best test will be:
    If only one go through dungeon seperate you from level up(I mean you need really not much exp to get a level)copy folder in Android/data/ to another folder. Then launch the game and level up. Next delete not the folder but this 2 folders inside com.glu.ewarriors2: cache and files. Then copy those 2 folders from com.glu.ewarriors2 folder that you paste before to another folder as a backup. Next check if your warrior has level before level up if yes this way working. Remember you need to replace data files NOT .obb file that has 80MB
    LVL: 71 | Title: Dragon Lord | Weapon: Dragon Breakers | Helmet: Wyrm Slayer's Helm | Shoulder: General's Shoulder | Belt: General's Belt | Armpiece: General's Armpiece | Leggins: General's Leggins
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    last time what i try is copying all com.glu.ewarrior2 folder
    and i test it by upgrading an armor (i back up before upgrade), the upgrade is success. but when i copy back my copied folder, it still have that last upgrade.
    I even try to delete all com.glu.ewarrior2 folder and just start the game, strangely the game can be run as normal and still have that last upgrade.

    i will try your solution. thanks
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    Okay, i really mess up my game. i lost all my data ~~
    i am using sony xperia (for reference)
    as i said before, even if i copy the folder, do some changes, and put my copied to the com.glu.ewarrior2, it does not revert my game state.
    so out of curiousity, in the device setting --> apps --> EW2 --> you have a button here "clear data"
    so i am thinking, if i clear the data on device using this button, then copy my copied folder, it will definitely pick up my copied folder.
    then, bam! it was not! my game restart from level 1 lol. going crazy ~~
    and to the point that i just successfully upgraded my bane to the last 1 slot. oh my what did i do ~~
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    T4underboltT4underbolt Registered Users 54 Posts
    Man. You shouldn't touch this button because it deletes everything. When you say now you've got xperia it is possible that my solution doesn't work because I have Samsung. Maybe your files with saves are stored somewhere else.
    If you were backing up your data with sync to your google account it should recover your state but if not sadly you can't do anything but start from 0. I didn't warn you about this but I didn't even know you're gonna do such a thing.
    I'm really sorry. This solution is working only for samsung where everything is clear.
    somebody said this is good programme to save data of apps to your cloud.
    Try it
    LVL: 71 | Title: Dragon Lord | Weapon: Dragon Breakers | Helmet: Wyrm Slayer's Helm | Shoulder: General's Shoulder | Belt: General's Belt | Armpiece: General's Armpiece | Leggins: General's Leggins
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    wewehalimwewehalim Registered Users 12 Posts
    Man. You shouldn't touch this button because it deletes everything. When you say now you've got xperia it is possible that my solution doesn't work because I have Samsung. Maybe your files with saves are stored somewhere else.
    If you were backing up your data with sync to your google account it should recover your state but if not sadly you can't do anything but start from 0. I didn't warn you about this but I didn't even know you're gonna do such a thing.
    I'm really sorry. This solution is working only for samsung where everything is clear.
    somebody said this is good programme to save data of apps to your cloud.
    Try it

    don't worry, it's not your fault.
    when i press that button, the only folder that dissapear id com.glu.ewarrior in data folder. that's why i thought i can replace this with my backup.
    the folder itself looks similar with the one that you mention in samsung. probably this device read the data from somewhere else, i dunno.
    well, the damage has been done. let's see if i can do something to get it back.
    if not, then goodbye EW2!

    thanks thunderbolt!
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