
Bugs/problems ive noticed since latest update

my25psimy25psi Registered Users 6 Posts
First is the extreme lag on multiplayer, im sure most if not all of the other bugs ive noticed are a symptom of this.it seems to be much worse while in someone elses server as player 2, as player one it is still evident but not nearly as intrusive.
camera locking during transition on Boss rush and dragons, in the beginning of boss rush when the camera pans to the chest and then again to the boss spawn point the camera will freeze on the over head view of the boss spawn point but game will continue as normal. so id have to blindly guide my hero to the top center portion of map to be able to see him, same thing in the dragons lair, camera will pan to the dragon close up then freeze there making me blindly run up to dragon in order to see my hero.
using the charge skill causes the white/blue charge animation to stay and even stack during the whole floor gameplay, again only on multiplayer.
as player two in boss rush finishing the floor doesnt give appropriate reward of coins or glu credits but still uses up one of my entries. ie on boss rush 2 if i am player one i use an entry and get 10 glu credits but as player two i only get 70 coins but still uses one of my entries, essentially robbing me of 10 glu credits. this was a problem prior to the latest update.
HTC Evo3D Android ICS


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    my25psimy25psi Registered Users 6 Posts
    oh also im playing on an HTC EVO3d running on Android ICS
    HTC Evo3D Android ICS
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    I also experience all of these problems
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    K_OtiCK_OtiC Registered Users 165 Posts
    Yes the last android multiplayer changes have made multiplayer pointless. I just solo mostly now till they fix it or play the iOS version on my iPhone since they have the old multiplayer styling.

    Also I don't get any experience or loot if I'm not host, which I hate because I like to help lowbies get some experience & loot to get them started, but if I'm getting nothing for playing and the lag makes it unpleasent to play I'm not going to waste my time joining people.
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    fannypoopfannypoop Registered Users 3 Posts
    Cant believe there still is no fix for their latest blunder. Quit trying to fix things that arent broken
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    stewstew Registered Users 109 Posts
    ya Idk what's going on..
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    my25psimy25psi Registered Users 6 Posts
    looks like the update today 08JUN is going to add back in the ability to create(host) multiplayer matches again......course i just get an error when trying to download it......ayecarumba!
    HTC Evo3D Android ICS
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    HitmannHitmann Registered Users 9 Posts
    Still has serious issues in MP.
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