
Anyone want to help me? (and by help I mean play with me, not carry me)

ChrisTotChrisTot Registered Users 394 Posts
Hey all, I'm a level 64 iOS user with the full mystery set (other than the helm) and a NEWLY updated breaker as of today. Anyone wanna team up for the daily grind of Boss Rushs?

My username is chris tot . Sorry if this shouldn't be its own thread. Cheers!


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    ImrulkzImrulkz Registered Users 677 Posts
    ChrisTot wrote: »
    Hey all, I'm a level 64 iOS user with the full mystery set (other than the helm) and a NEWLY updated breaker as of today. Anyone wanna team up for the daily grind of Boss Rushs?

    My username is chris tot . Sorry if this shouldn't be its own thread. Cheers!
    I will join you fren, i want to see how much powerful your breaker :)
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    SombathSombath Registered Users 109 Posts
    ChrisTot wrote: »
    Hey all, I'm a level 64 iOS user with the full mystery set (other than the helm) and a NEWLY updated breaker as of today. Anyone wanna team up for the daily grind of Boss Rushs?

    My username is chris tot . Sorry if this shouldn't be its own thread. Cheers!
    Oh fri, you have been accept my fri request. But I have something for tell you, when you in boss rush mode you should stay behind or if u die, u don't give up. U have to wait until the stage finish. Ok?
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    ChrisTotChrisTot Registered Users 394 Posts
    Sombath wrote: »
    Oh fri, you have been accept my fri request. But I have something for tell you, when you in boss rush mode you should stay behind or if u die, u don't give up. U have to wait until the stage finish. Ok?
    Sounds good. I don't think you have to worry much about me dying though.
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    dinniiidinniii Registered Users 99 Posts
    u didnt accepted my request on GC
    Level 70
    Grand Dragon Lord
    Full Mystery set
    Dragon Breaker & Mystery Axe
    Game center: +dinniii+
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    ChrisTotChrisTot Registered Users 394 Posts
    are you sure?
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    seaznseazn Registered Users 49 Posts
    ChrisTot wrote: »
    are you sure?
    I added you too ChrisToT. I'm not there at you guys' level yet. I just got my final piece of Mystery Set and I'm missing one more upgrade on Dragon Bane. But feel free to add me for now give me 2 days I'll be up there with ya'll =)
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    ChrisTotChrisTot Registered Users 394 Posts
    Hmm. I keep requesting everyone but haven't gotten anyone in the last 2 days. What was your username Seazn?
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    seaznseazn Registered Users 49 Posts
    Weird that is my username. Dinii added me there easily =[
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    dinniiidinniii Registered Users 99 Posts
    ChrisTot wrote: »
    are you sure?
    yes m sure
    i added 'chris tot' in GC
    or better u add me
    Level 70
    Grand Dragon Lord
    Full Mystery set
    Dragon Breaker & Mystery Axe
    Game center: +dinniii+
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    ChrisTotChrisTot Registered Users 394 Posts
    dinniii wrote: »
    yes m sure
    i added 'chris tot' in GC
    or better u add me

    Yeah, we were already friends. I just deleted you though and sent you a new friend request. Remember, we've actually already played before. You told me that "I must get the mystery armor". Then I said I'd get the mystery armor the next day and we never played again :P
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    dinniiidinniii Registered Users 99 Posts
    ChrisTot wrote: »
    Yeah, we were already friends. I just deleted you though and sent you a new friend request. Remember, we've actually already played before. You told me that "I must get the mystery armor". Then I said I'd get the mystery armor the next day and we never played again :P

    lol i forgot
    now wen i saw ur display pic then i remembered
    anyways if u r free lets play
    i havn't played any of boss rush today
    was busy clearing all floors
    now i can claim of finishing full game in hard mode(i know m late thn others)
    Level 70
    Grand Dragon Lord
    Full Mystery set
    Dragon Breaker & Mystery Axe
    Game center: +dinniii+
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    dinniiidinniii Registered Users 99 Posts
    my wifi is not working efficiently these days
    lets see will play later on
    if u free after 6 hrs
    Level 70
    Grand Dragon Lord
    Full Mystery set
    Dragon Breaker & Mystery Axe
    Game center: +dinniii+
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    Ahz69Ahz69 Registered Users 13 Posts
    Im ios users and be pleasure to add me angel ahz..
    Wanna more fren to playing
    Cheer ^_^
    Angel Ahz
    Grand Dragon Lord
    Level 70
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