
Simple Repeat & Purchase Button

SdNASdNA Registered Users 1 Posts
Hey EW3 gamers & support staff,

I enjoy playing EW3 just like the next guy, but some small things are rather annoying.

The first suggestion is a simple repeat button.
By this I mean, when you finished a level or even die, there should be some repeat button. A button that allows us to instantly repeat the same level over and over on the already chosen difficulty. Don't get me wrong, going back into town and then going into the map and reclick and reclick the same thing over and over works, however in the end it just gets a little annoying to have us do so many different steps for one small thing. Make things easier and a little quicker.

*Until of course your bags are full then the repeat button just is out grey'd.

The second suggestion is something that seriously annoys me. When you sell gear you get a conformation wether or not selling it (OK / Cancel) yet with gem purchases this is not the case. I cant even remember how many times I accidentally pressed something (like R / F on keyboard or even from the gift shop) and wasted my gems. A simple OK conformation would take this away.

Hope more people agree.

Kind regards, SdNA.


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    UtopiaUtopia Registered Users 32 Posts
    I'm agree at all.

    I've a third suggestion about selling. Why don't give the chance to select 2-more items at once to sell?
    It's quite boring keep press Sell, ok, sell, ok, sell ok etc, when u have lot of green/white equip to sell.
    No fail. No cry. NoMercy.
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    SdNA wrote: »
    Hey EW3 gamers & support staff,

    The second suggestion is something that seriously annoys me. When you sell gear you get a conformation wether or not selling it (OK / Cancel) yet with gem purchases this is not the case. I cant even remember how many times I accidentally pressed something (like R / F on keyboard or even from the gift shop) and wasted my gems. A simple OK conformation would take this away.

    Hope more people agree.

    Kind regards, SdNA.

    ALL GLU games have purchase buttons set in common places and ALL of them purchase without confirmation. It's part of their business strategy.
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