
Greeeaaaaat thanks GLU

HibriaHibria Registered Users 25 Posts
After farming countless hours for nyans legendary weapon, finnally saw one drop, so im running to grab it and whaddya know. Server goes down for maintenance........ Glu should really give 10-15 min warnings to avoid crap like this happening, Pretty pissed but whatever ill just farm some more.


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    TheDevil666TheDevil666 Registered Users 3 Posts
    Lol, I wasted 10 tokens on 5 waves cause of errors. I was mad -__-
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    pelepalapelepala Registered Users 349 Posts
    10 tokens? i assume is the ticket requires to enter endless. Well i'll be the first to welcome all you andriod player to the pain we IOS player faces now. 20 tickets to get in endless and changed item drop floor from 100 to now 115.
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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    So the Android users will finally see hell...best of luck to you all.
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