
XP help

JesopJesop Registered Users 21 Posts
I know lvl isn't that important but my question is this. I am at lvl 30 I really want to hit 31 so that items change in offering. What is fastest way to gain quick xp?

I know endless is extra xp on kills but trash mobs only give 31 and 36 xp. I can only do up to wave 40. I am stuck with a garbage green wep right now. It is higher gs than any wep nian is dropping for me. So I am stick with it.

I think before patch I could see xp from regular stages but now I see No xp not even from nian.

What I really want to know and maybe players that can see xp can answer this. Should I just keep farming nian at 30 to 40 seconds or run dorandt or whatever it is. It takes me about 2min 30sec to run that stage.


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