
How to find these resources?

EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
Fiend's eye
Fiend's Blood
Fiend's sigil

Where can I find these? I've only gotten some from iron offerings. There was a post similar to this but the answer was not very useful, so I decided to ask again. Thanks in advance.


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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    nvm found enough fiend sigils. Still no luck on fiend's eye though...
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    LabwrxLabwrx Registered Users 22 Posts
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    fuzzycat89fuzzycat89 Registered Users 4 Posts
    Labwrx wrote: »

    The information about drop locations in that thread is no longer true. The game has been made harder. ou will not be able to see any Fiend's ??? before the first Bearman boss.
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    JonWayneJonWayne Registered Users 459 Posts
    fuzzycat89 wrote: »
    The information about drop locations in that thread is no longer true. The game has been made harder. ou will not be able to see any Fiend's ??? before the first Bearman boss.

    We wrote the info base on our own game experience. Glu changed the drop locations a few times since V0.2, so some info might indeed be outdated.

    But I'd already updated the info in my post according to the feedbacks I gotten.
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    EziekialEziekial Registered Users 166 Posts
    Has anyone created a spreadsheet on drop locations for all epic and legendary gear? If so can you please share?
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    Eziekial wrote: »
    Has anyone created a spreadsheet on drop locations for all epic and legendary gear? If so can you please share?

    Hey Eziekial, good to see you here :)

    Best info I know of is in the sticky primer post but it's all scattered. This game's info is nowhere as organized as what we had on the HoD forum. I'm not sure a spreadsheet listing drop locations would be completely accurate though as the rates seem to go up and down. For example I farmed Demon Heart from hero's road with my warrior but when I got there with my Mage I couldn't win any. At least not until I beat either Thrundheim or Helgard (not sure what triggered it). After that Hero's Road is full of Demon Heart again.

    A spreadsheet listing the various weapons and how strong they are would be helpful in deciding what to keep/upgrade and what to sell/fuse. But there are so many varieties I'm not sure it would be worth tracking. At least in this game if you invest in something that you find is soon outdated you can get some value out of it by fusing.
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