
Protect items aka Item lock

HakalosanHakalosan Registered Users 7 Posts
Please, add possibility to "lock" item, to prevent it from selling/fusing by mistake.
Only equipped items are protected right now, but possibility to pretect other items would be great...

Lock/Unlock can be realized by double tap, or touch and hold... for example.



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    pelepalapelepala Registered Users 349 Posts
    if you accidently sold a item you want, force close the app w/o closing the inventory screen. Your action is not updated on the server until you close out of the inventory screen so by force closing the app nothing is updated. So when you re-open the game all your sold item is still there. just a trick until glu decided to take in any suggestion
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    pelepala wrote: »
    if you accidently sold a item you want, force close the app w/o closing the inventory screen. Your action is not updated on the server until you close out of the inventory screen so by force closing the app nothing is updated. So when you re-open the game all your sold item is still there. just a trick until glu decided to take in any suggestion

    yes, this is good to know. To late for my long lost wand but next time I have an "oh krap" moment I'll do this.
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    SuperstargumSuperstargum Registered Users 197 Posts
    This is about the best tip I've gotten so far from this forum =) Thanks a lot
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    StTyraelStTyrael Registered Users 73 Posts
    It is one of the best suggestions. It might get more views from the intended audiences though if you stuck a [SUGGESTION] tag in front of the title, and also added ideas on how to change the interface for this, where the ideal button placements would go, and generally give a concise suggestion report designed to be read by developers and project managers. Time is money to them, remember that. Pretend you are pitching an idea of your own to am agency and could possibly get rich if they took tour proposal.

    I've worked IT since 1999 and have been forum admins at several places as well. From experience, these types of posts coupled with great ideas (like this one) are the ones I most often see picked up...anyways..

    Here's my +1 to the idea
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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    ^this whole section of the forum is suggestion, adding a suggestion tag won't change anything.

    Anyways, I think this idea is good as I've accidentally sold/fuse an item before (didn't even know it disappeared until I wanted to use it).
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    StpwnerStpwner Registered Users 109 Posts
    Yea why would you put a suggestion tag in a suggestion forum lmfao, if it was only a general discussion forum that would make sense

    We get that you do forum shlt and are an IT, you don't let us forget that in EVERY post u make.
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    BigBossManBigBossMan Registered Users 46 Posts
    Yeah stty get your head outta your ***
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    HakalosanHakalosan Registered Users 7 Posts
    What you think, do devs read this forum? :)
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    MolochMoloch Registered Users 279 Posts
    Hakalosan wrote: »
    Please, add possibility to "lock" item, to prevent it from selling/fusing by mistake.
    Only equipped items are protected right now, but possibility to pretect other items would be great...

    Lock/Unlock can be realized by double tap, or touch and hold... for example.


    Noted. Good idea.
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Hakalosan wrote: »
    What you think, do devs read this forum? :)

    Developers do not read this forum. Instead, the forum team does. And sometimes, they pass on this kind of stuff to the development team. Of course, like the infinite gems glitch, if it eats away at their profits, they will respond almost immediately.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    Big SageBig Sage Registered Users 317 Posts
    Moloch wrote: »
    Noted. Good idea.

    Hell yes!(:
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    er_deejayer_deejay Registered Users 22 Posts
    Hakalosan wrote: »
    Please, add possibility to "lock" item, to prevent it from selling/fusing by mistake.
    Only equipped items are protected right now, but possibility to pretect other items would be great...

    Lock/Unlock can be realized by double tap, or touch and hold... for example.


    Very good idea, yes sir haha. Sure soon will implement, it is something important for many players.
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    frenzy11frenzy11 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Great idea. +
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