
[BUG] Time's Up in Endless Mode When You Just Entered

What happened? When I spent my 20 tickets in Endless tower, the message "Time's Up" appeared. There was not even a revive option, so the only thing to do was to quit.

What might have caused it? During the last Endless run, I ran out of time on floor 119. However, I was able to defeat the mob when the count down finished (at 0:00).

It would be great if the Glu team can look into this problem.


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    StTyraelStTyrael Registered Users 73 Posts
    Have you been able to replicate this at all? I haven't logged on since the VP issue, but will log on and see if I can get it to happen to me as well. I'm sure its from the latest update and as history has taught us, every update I evitably brings new busy (applies to all apps, even ones I've written...lol)
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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    Haven't replicate this because it's kind of hard to kill the mob and run out of time at the same moment. I think it was because I pressed attack button and then my character kept attacking even though the "time's up" page showed.
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    StTyraelStTyrael Registered Users 73 Posts
    This bug is kinda impossible to replicate, but that is exactly the kind of helpful stuff they need (your last post). Well I assume, that's the stuff I appreciated at least :) Made my job and life much easier and I was able to help more people out bybeing able to file the bugs more efficiently. Didn't help much that I had to wear many hats there and also DEBUG all the reports lol. Well, I guess it did make the job easier since I read the reports and could jump into the code and respond to posters with actual remarks and not canned responses etc...Idk...:)
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    StpwnerStpwner Registered Users 109 Posts
    How is this a bug???? After u kill the last enemy, you still have to wait the 5 seconds before it finishes. You ran out of time before then(the dead enemy makes no difference)

    Out of time= out of time. It's not a crazy concept
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    StpwnerStpwner Registered Users 109 Posts
    And why the heIl would you have an option to revive if u DIDNt die? That's absurd. Silly rabbit.
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    StTyraelStTyrael Registered Users 73 Posts
    Stpwner wrote: »
    How is this a bug???? After u kill the last enemy, you still have to wait the 5 seconds before it finishes. You ran out of time before then(the dead enemy makes no difference)

    Out of time= out of time. It's not a crazy concept

    Only after each floor xx5 and x10 does the loot timer appear as that's when your exit and start the next 5 waves. He wasn't on floor xx5 or floor x10, but x19. He still has to clear one more wave before the loot timer appeared and he exited those 5 waves.

    I'm pretty sure as well that after the last enemy is dead that the timer stops. Well I know it stops on all floors up to xx5 or x10. I haven't ever paid attention to the floor xx5/x10 timer before (enough to remember at least), but that's a moot point there anyways as he wasn't to that floor yet.

    This is actually an interesting case we analyze it. He killed the last enemy, so the killing blow probably came before 0:00,..Let's ask it this way. If he lands the killing blow at the 0:01 mark, hasn't he technically killed the last enemy before the timer ran out? Or does it take a second or two to bleed to death?

    At the least this is a very legitimate question. If the enemies are intended to take a second or two to actually die by design then yes, be just ran out of time as the enemy still breathing. I doubt though that the developers have it coded anywhere that the enemirs have a delayed death.

    If that's corrrect, then it makes perfect sense to report this as a bug and get an official response. If I was you was on floor 123 and got a godly * of resolve drop, them once on 124 you killed the final enemy at 0:02 and he spun in circles as they often do costing you the godly drop, what would your reaction be? If he hadn't had spun around several times circling you and died without glitching you would have gotten the godly * you needed to complete your set.

    Is it still a crazy concept?
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    Hujodo1Hujodo1 Registered Users 7 Posts
    yeah i ran into the same problem. i waited 80 mins for 20 tickets, then i entered. as soon as the loadingscreen dissappeared i got a new window saying (you ran out of time)
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    SuperstargumSuperstargum Registered Users 197 Posts
    So according to the OP's issue... The issue isnt that he ran out of time in the middle of or at the end of a level... He was entering the endless and as soon as it loaded it gave him a msg that he ran out of time but yet he didnt even have a go at it... He thinks the issue could be due to his prior run ending at 119 at 0:00 but isnt sure. In anycase it really sucks that you get glitched out of 20 tickets... They should give you 20 gems for the failed run... + another 20gems for pain and suffering + 20gems for inconvenience it caused you.
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