
Regarding diablo music

So I had a topic yesterday that's somehow deleted (maybe bc of bossman coming in and being lame) but I didn't get an answer to:
1. Is this indeed Diablo music being used? (Sounds exactly the same)
2. If it is, did you guys get permission?

I don't want annoying people to come and start a war here, just a simple response. Maybe my topic being deleted was the answer? Not sure as I wasn't able to read more of it.


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    StTyraelStTyrael Registered Users 73 Posts
    To in can take someone else's music and change the melody slightly and get around the legal ramifications. Remember when Vanilla Ice released "Its Ice Baby" (a sad day for humanity) and the ensuing legal battle over Queen saying that he sampled "Under Pressure" without permisssion? Well, Vanilla Ice only slightly changed the melody (maybe if you search about this UTFSE, you can find the video clip where Vanilla Ice is explaining the differences in the two melodies and it's rather humorous).

    As far as I remember, this is similar but not the town music from Diablo II. I haven't ever heard music from Diablo or Diablo II.
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    BigBossManBigBossMan Registered Users 46 Posts
    Why do you actually care, what ****** differenxe does it make to you, pathetic as shole, get a life
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    BL725BL725 Registered Users 89 Posts
    File a lawsuit
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