
Mass Exodus

HellvisHellvis Registered Users 95 Posts
I'm writing this to the gamers not the Devs.

With out a doubt most of us enjoy the game otherwise none of us wouldn't be here.
However, it goes without saying; it is the developers responsibilty to keep the gamer interested in continued play. That being said, the developers hold a certain power over us gamers; in the aspect of putting out ****ty content and still managing to be paid gobs of money.

As a once happy gamer to this community I had NO issue spending cash for a few upgrades, inventory spots, pots, etc... Now it seems as if GLU is "forcing" people to spend money. The only place for t8 armor is Endless? Seriously? If that's the case, then balance then the classes. Monks acrossed the board have to spend cash just to pass 115-12; which is where godly just happens to start dropping. It is my understanding that warriors and mages can reach and pass these lvls with relative ease. Im not alone in this, all across these boards people seem to have issues with a monk being "weaker" in endless.

Second. This new content was directed at mid-range players? Excuse me? They are ****ing on a large portion of highly active players that want progression, and could give a **** about vanity. You're gonna tell me the only reason to farm Jade forest now is vanity? Atleast last release we could look forward to armor after mindless hours of farming(which to be honest I quite enjoy). On top of it all, they still do not drop the correct Regeants. Glu is bending us over with out so much as a courtesy reach around.

My point to all this!! I think we need to stand up to GLU and force change. STOP SPENDING MONEY until they pull their heads out of their asses and fix this broken, unbalanced and unrealized/underdeveloped game. As the consumer, we have a certain power as well. If we pull together we can force change.

To Glu;

We all rather enjoy your game. A happy gamer is a spending gamer. Make us happy again. Please??

Hellvis Parsley
Status - Legendary / Occupation - Badass / Resides -Filth Palace


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    krok8krok8 Registered Users 161 Posts
    Playing EW3 on iOS & EW4 on Android
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    Zayt00nZayt00n Registered Users 81 Posts
    Don't know what else I could add to that completely true every word of it. If they get paid they won't care and won't change. Why are we spending cash on gems to beat each other in tournaments to win a Wonderous piece of s***? Spend as you please but I think everyone should take note from what Hellvis has said here and that change really will not come if we are not making change ourselves and being mindlessly sucked in. The new Jade Forest only drops unbreakable? That's great.

    Addiction Guild
    Guild Leader
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    EternityWarriorEternityWarrior Registered Users 450 Posts
    I made a post about making Monk's defense skill have some sort of damage before. Monk is weak because of this defense skill, which is the most vital skill for a class. I already sent a suggestion ticket but the their response seems to be an auto reply.
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    KaethorneKaethorne Registered Users 9 Posts
    I completely agree. I am a new player and just hit 9k gs about a week after the last jade forest event. I was looking forward to the next one and the change at an mm/godly gear and have found the new jf to be a big disappointment. I was planning to spend money on bag slots and to have extra gems for pots however I am definitely rethinking wasting the money after the obviously under-performing content patch.
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    AtaroAtaro Registered Users 8 Posts
    Totally Agree with you guys at least we deserve to have something new for the hours we spent in this
    im not saying this game is bad actually it is a good game but with some more improvement it will be GREAT game like adding a reply button after finishing the dungeon...
    i mean if you devs just check the suggestion tickets they aren't asking much in it only little problems which needs improvement

    Happy to keep playing your game ... please listen to your consumers once in a while GLU ..
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    s4df4ces4df4ce Registered Users 141 Posts
    Bingo ! I support your movement! Enough is enough.. No more money for you Glu.. Atleast from me!! I am a happy spender if you make a game worth spending.. Listen to the suggestions made by players.. Common its two way bridge.. Everything has a limit!! Get your acts straight glu team!!

    IGN - S4df4ce
    Guild - ONEUNITED
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Same for me.

    IGN: UltraSceptile

    Guild: Elites!

    You will not receive support from us high end players Glu!
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    GbudGbud Registered Users 7 Posts
    Well I normally buy reagents because I'm lazy, but since I'm not getting any new gear I can't spend money. Would love to throw my money at Glu, but I have nothing to buy =/
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