
Best Boss Items

BestFriendCZBestFriendCZ Registered Users 52 Posts
I would like to ask....What are the best possible items from final boss (legendary).I killed him min 1000x times ....
and only got 3 gold items on lvl 42 ....and still the same 3 items ....i think 4x same gold bracers 6x same gold amulet and 3x same gold armor.....But I never got a wapon on 42lvl or bots or ring .....it is only luck ? ... i have Item find about 320......and gs about 8k I'm new here thank you for your advice


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    krok8krok8 Registered Users 161 Posts
    Best gears from Leg Hellboy

    - lvl 36 gold wepon (ATK, CC & CD)
    - unbreakable items (except ring)
    Playing EW3 on iOS & EW4 on Android
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    lIIusionlIIusion Registered Users 42 Posts
    so the ring can only be farmed in Endless? hmmmm...that's why i can't complete my unbreakable set. and sadly, that's only my option cause i cant make it in endless level 114. only if no HP and revive potions. i just need lvl 44 weapon gold. too bad.
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    rafal1987rafal1987 Registered Users 5 Posts
    yes i cant too finish endless tower on 114 + lvl, is horrible and very hard without many potion of health and revive potion , or gold weapon 44 lvl , i just have purple full evolved weapon on 44 lvl and 4 sets on unbreakable full evolved 8400 gs and i cant do this 114 lvl on tower :/ is anoying.
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    BestFriendCZBestFriendCZ Registered Users 52 Posts
    my best items from final boss (legendary)
    1 x red wings today

    many guns gold on 36 lvl
    talisman gold - on 42 lvl
    bots gold -if,life,def on 40 lvl
    many gold rings on 36 lvl
    gold shoulder lon 39 lvl
    gold armor on 39 lvl
    gold Gauntles on 41 lvl

    i cant too do wave on 115 i wait on guns on 42 lvl:)

    My item drop is now about 400
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