
9000 GS and forwards suggestions.

SynxSynx Registered Users 4 Posts
Several ppl been inactive a week after they reached 9000GS.
Glu... That means you've lost a customer each time this happens.

Pretty pretty please with sugar and cream on top Glu add something of the following:

Jade boss recomended 9000GS.
The boss could be a four stage boss
Stage1 cyclop boss kind of boss. When down to 75% hp transforms to next stage
Stage2 hellboy boss till down to 50% hp
Stage3 nian boss till 25%
Stage4 cat boss
This would mean you should master your skills towards each boss.
Let it drop wondrous, godly items

When you got A rank on all maps in normal and legendary.
Get access to a special maze map with greed as the key element.
The maze has all the bosses from the maps in different places with a treasure chest behind them.
You got limited time to leavve the maze or you'll loose half of your loot in random.
You got to determine how many bosses you got time for before you exit.

Tournaments with pvp arena style for players who completed all maps and got above 9000 GS
Let players with high end game gear show off in a arena style tournament.
This might have bennefit if you have different characters high geared.
= ppl would level up the other characters aswell.

Pretty please GLU developers. Make this happend so people won't quit game just because they feel they reached the end of the game.

Please fill in what you feel could be an easily coded build for 9000+ GS players
This way it might happend kn near future if GLU reads this. (Do they?)

Pleading regards,
Synx (game name Synx aswell)


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    Big SageBig Sage Registered Users 317 Posts
    Agree.. We need more High Leval content.
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    rafal1987rafal1987 Registered Users 5 Posts
    Yes i agree and i wish to new maps with new dungeon with new gear and new renegant and bosses.
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    KaethorneKaethorne Registered Users 9 Posts
    It is clear the devs don't want godly in the jade forest event, so how about putting 1-3 pieces of wondrous drops there. This would allow those of us stuck at 9k gs to move forward a little. Maybe add wondrous as something that can be purchased with tokens (this would look very tempting after a week of being stuck on the same level). Finally right now it feels as though if you aren't in the top 2 guilds there is very little reason to be in one at all. How about making ranks 3-10 in the tourney get something like lvl 44 gear and top 2 get godly.
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    sandrahmartsandrahmart Registered Users 18 Posts
    Yupss.. i need more High Leval content.w.png
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Yeah, or a even harder boss that requires 15k gs with higher drop rates. That would be a great challenge. Or a boss with a guaranteed one hit ko move that has good drop rates.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    frenzy11frenzy11 Registered Users 6 Posts
    I agree with you 100 percent.
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    PasharuPasharu Registered Users 43 Posts
    Totally agree, I just hit 9200gs and don't feel like playing anymore.

    There must be more bosses to help advance in endless or in general.

    The multi stage boss sounds awesome.
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