
Omg are you kidding me!!

HTH can you "professional" programmers create a game that takes half a day to update and forget to set the "nosleep" flag?
I sat here for 2 hours, waiting for this stuff to download, I turn my back for, whatever the sleep timer length is, and I lost EVERYTHING I downloaded.
Look, I barely qualify as a second rate programmer and I'm not so incompetent as to allow something like that out the door. You create a game with these idiotically huge downloads rather than just uploading a version. And rather than tracking what came down and didn't, you just start from scratch if something goes wrong, which demonstrates a degree of laziness rarely seen, but to take it a step further and decide it would take too much time to set the no sleep flag on iOS? Really? WTH is wrong with you. Here, use this code, I'll let you have it for free:

if(self=[super init]){
<paste your custom code here>

[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;

return self;

Also, since you don't appear to understand how this works:
You are clearly downloading the update in stages which suggests multiple files. They are being saved in a volatile STOP THAT. Put them in Application Support if no where else.
Second, you know files are coming down and the meter shows you also know the sizes to the last byte.
This means if you aren't too lazy, you can create a manifest.
Thus, you send the manifest down first. The manifest contains file names and exact sizes.
As you download each part it gets saved to hard storage.
If something goes wrong you just look to see if you have the manifest
If you do, then using it you look for each part of the update.
If you find a part, check it's size using NSFileManager
If it is correct down to the last byte, assume it's good and move to the next.
Keep an NSMutableArray of files that are missing or corrupt.
Now rather than wasting my time, only grab what is in that array.

This is how it is done. Try actually playing games. Like say, wow.

Any further info from me can be obtained at a consultation fee of $100 an hour. This is nothing new to me, it is something I've done many times and my programs never have this kind of problem.


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    trLLLLLtrLLLLL Registered Users 29 Posts
    I am SO bumping this.

    Great post!
    Once a Fella, Always a Fella.
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