
I owe some of you an apology

SaabotSaabot Registered Users 88 Posts
For anyone that was in game in town and saw what (player shall remain nameless because Im not here to bash anyone) said about me in public ....

My apologies that you were subjected to that, and I hope it didnt ruin your day

For anyone that might be worried about me?
Dont be I am fine.

If you were not there dont ask what happened I wont answer you.

This is an apology to the people who were subjected to a public display of bad negative drama that shouldn't have even happened and quite honestly I dont understand why it happened either.

Maybe the nameless person was just having a bad day.

Either way, if it ruined your day in any way you have my apologies, it was out of my control, and for those who messaged me with support and sympathy, I cant thank you enough.

I love all my friends in this game, and you make a bad day better just by being there for me and sharing a smile with me.

All my love,


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    JaimitoJaimito Registered Users 92 Posts
    Oh my dear friend don't worry, haters will always hate, but u know what I got your back.. I hope u r ok, hugs hugs.....
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