
Little weapon advice?

IcepawIcepaw Registered Users 15 Posts
Hi I'm lvl 45 warrior. I beat the legendary nian before the 1.2 patch. Now I can't beat nian..and it's not even close. My damage went down to about 200 from where it was at. I have tried upgrading all my gear (but can't get silver coins anymore because I can't beat Nian for a shot at a better weapon). I now have a 5000 gs, but I still can't win without heal potion or revive (which I'm out of again). My current weapon is vicious sword of the butcher 1415gs (almost maxed, missing regent for last upgrade)

Where/who can I kill to get a better weapon please? or are there a few places I can farm?
I can make it to lvl 100 in the first tower about 45% of the time (for an idea of my terrible skills).

Thanks for any help.



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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Keep killing leg cyclops for a gold lvl 31. Best is Ragefang, at 2139gs.

    However, it will not even come close at defeating leg nian anymore.

    Best option is to spend money for rune god and gold offerings for better gear.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    jakub1302jakub1302 Registered Users 197 Posts
    Too bad. I would suggest farming cyclop for a decent gold weapon with cc+cd, but I never did that. What I did was getting a bit lucky in the tower of heroes from where I received a gold 31 weapon. I used reagents from the offerings, there were quite a lot after I saved them for this stage. Try tower, you might get lucky too. Otherwise, beat cyclop till he gives you something of worth. All gold transcendent armor should do it I guess. That is if you find reagents to go with them but that shouldn't be much of a problem. Happy farming.
    EW3: Jakub1302
    BGI: Jakub 1302, the guildleader of Goodfellas
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    jakub1302 wrote: »
    Too bad. I would suggest farming cyclop for a decent gold weapon with cc+cd, but I never did that. What I did was getting a bit lucky in the tower of heroes from where I received a gold 31 weapon. I used reagents from the offerings, there were quite a lot after I saved them for this stage. Try tower, you might get lucky too. Otherwise, beat cyclop till he gives you something of worth. All gold transcendent armor should do it I guess. That is if you find reagents to go with them but that shouldn't be much of a problem. Happy farming.

    You cannot get transcendant stuff from LC. Only helm and chestplate.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    IcepawIcepaw Registered Users 15 Posts
    Leg Cyclops it is..Thanks for the help!
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    jakub1302jakub1302 Registered Users 197 Posts
    You cannot get transcendant stuff from LC. Only helm and chestplate.

    Sorry, my bad. Never tried it myself, just watched the forums. Well, that's a heck of an obstacle. I'm glad I have those stages far behind me :)
    EW3: Jakub1302
    BGI: Jakub 1302, the guildleader of Goodfellas
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    Icepaw wrote: »
    Leg Cyclops it is..Thanks for the help!

    Oh, and feel free to vote option "A" on the poll Gluadmin posted. It helps turn back the game to the way it was. Benefits everybody.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    Is it true that a maxed gold lvl 31 sword cannot beat Leg Nian?

    Currently working on maxing Greatsword of Lord Shonell, now I am feeling frustrated if I know even with its maxed I won't stand a chance against L Nian
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    kennygkennyg Registered Users 250 Posts
    You cannot get transcendant stuff from LC. Only helm and chestplate.

    well actually......drop rates just very low....I got two unbreakables off of lnian as well
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    kennyg wrote: »
    well actually......drop rates just very low....I got two unbreakables off of lnian as well

    Yeah. Helm and chestplate right?
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    VRWRXVRWRX Registered Users 59 Posts
    I would love an answer also...I got a level 31 gold weapon from LC with only CD but I'm worried it still won't beat Nian at 15/15...
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    TraineluTrainelu Registered Users 482 Posts
    Is it true that a maxed gold lvl 31 sword cannot beat Leg Nian?

    Currently working on maxing Greatsword of Lord Shonell, now I am feeling frustrated if I know even with its maxed I won't stand a chance against L Nian
    VRWRX wrote: »
    I would love an answer also...I got a level 31 gold weapon from LC with only CD but I'm worried it still won't beat Nian at 15/15...

    If you put some ice attack runes (green will do) in it you will probably be able to kill Nian but I don't know how long it will take you to get 5 DCSS for it.

    A little advice: if you haven't started upgrade lv. 31 sword it will be better to spend 1-2 days al LC and try to get the lv. 31 CC+CD. If you already have the weapon 15/15 there's no point in doing that, just use it.

    Something I forgot to mention: you need at least Divine or better Ancient Ring/Talisman Berserker or Vulture fully maxed to be able to kill LNian.
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    durc15durc15 Registered Users 124 Posts
    Is it true that a maxed gold lvl 31 sword cannot beat Leg Nian?

    Currently working on maxing Greatsword of Lord Shonell, now I am feeling frustrated if I know even with its maxed I won't stand a chance against L Nian

    You can actually, but a bit harder than it was before the update. I'm using a atk/cd level 31 15/15 sword and it takes a while. Beatable, just have to be impeccable with parry. Otherwise, Nian whoops my as$.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    durc15 wrote: »
    You can actually, but a bit harder than it was before the update. I'm using a atk/cd level 31 15/15 sword and it takes a while. Beatable, just have to be impeccable with parry. Otherwise, Nian whoops my as$.

    Cool, at least I know its do-able! Do you have ice runes in your gear and thunder resist?

    Also, what is your GS?

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    LietoLieto Registered Users 141 Posts
    Keep killing leg cyclops for a gold lvl 31. Best is Ragefang, at 2139gs.
    However, it will not even come close at defeating leg nian anymore.
    Best option is to spend money for rune god and gold offerings for better gear.
    wut >< Leg nian is super easy with fully upgraded rage fang and doable with 15/15 rage fang.
    Just make sure to put frost damage in weapon and jewellery.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    Lieto wrote: »
    wut >< Leg nian is super easy with fully upgraded rage fang and doable with 15/15 rage fang.
    Just make sure to put frost damage in weapon and jewellery.

    I have Greatsword of Lord Shonell, which is cd/iif, at 15/15, would that be enough to make L Nian doable? It took a lot to get it to 15/15 as I don't really spend much money, so I really don't want to farm for Ragefang now then have to get that to 15/15...grrrrr
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    LietoLieto Registered Users 141 Posts
    ye i did it with shonnel as well. i think it was around 50% win rate at 15/15 with GS similar to yours. With 3rd evo it was closer to 80% win rate. But its also important to know when to drop your hp to enrage and when to run away to not die.

    I could do a detailed strat but seems like in this game strat largely depends on your exact damage. Sometimes your damage goes 5% up and he stops doing some attack because he looses hp faster etc.

    // It took a lot to get it to 15/15 //
    Slow down pal, if you think that taking a weapon to 15/15 takes "a lot" this game might be not for you. You need to be fine with doing things for hundreds and thousands of times to progress further. Just keep this in mind. I did 5 weapons to 15/15 yesterday just for guild evolution tournament. cause i had spare demon reagents that i wanted to sell anyways.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    Lieto wrote: »
    ye i did it with shonnel as well. i think it was around 50% win rate at 15/15 with GS similar to yours. With 3rd evo it was closer to 80% win rate. But its also important to know when to drop your hp to enrage and when to run away to not die.

    I could do a detailed strat but seems like in this game strat largely depends on your exact damage. Sometimes your damage goes 5% up and he stops doing some attack because he looses hp faster etc.

    // It took a lot to get it to 15/15 //
    Slow down pal, if you think that taking a weapon to 15/15 takes "a lot" this game might be not for you. You need to be fine with doing things for hundreds and thousands of times to progress further. Just keep this in mind. I did 5 weapons to 15/15 yesterday just for guild evolution tournament. cause i had spare demon reagents that i wanted to sell anyways.

    No I love the game, but I was stuck in a bad place since the update, and the whole process of finally winning a gold sword from L Cyclops and taking it to 15/15 was a lot, but I enjoyed it!

    Unlike you I didn't have spare reagents(well a couple) but I had to pretty much farm all the hearts and I am only on Dragons Neck dungeon. I got it to 15/15 in a couple days but farming the DC hearts was a pain since the update, and I couldn't get far enough in the tower to get them. Ill have to try my luck back in the tower now because I have a couple Trancendant pieces to evolve from Lcyclops lol.
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    No I love the game, but I was stuck in a bad place since the update, and the whole process of finally winning a gold sword from L Cyclops and taking it to 15/15 was a lot, but I enjoyed it!

    Unlike you I didn't have spare reagents(well a couple) but I had to pretty much farm all the hearts and I am only on Dragons Neck dungeon. I got it to 15/15 in a couple days but farming the DC hearts was a pain since the update, and I couldn't get far enough in the tower to get them. Ill have to try my luck back in the tower now because I have a couple Trancendant pieces to evolve from Lcyclops lol.

    Brace for Leg Hellboy. Lieto makes the game sound simple. It's very hard now.

    I have been through the game with Mage and warrior. I have no problem with farming day after day, week after week.

    I do have a problem after a couple of months though.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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