
Hardcore Mode

XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
When you have beaten legendary hellboy (and 4th kingdom) on legendary you practically have beaten the game. You can collect and upgrade gear or try to get higher in the towers but all you do is making easier what you already have accomplished.

My Suggestion: Hardcore Mode
We have normal and legendary mode but a hardcore mode which is not farming oriented would be a nice challenge. Just raise the difficulty.
It would be like all stages with "useless" T7 drops but they get harder and harder. You may need 20+ min to kill Hardcore Hellboy once using murdermaker.

It would be great to pass time until PvP release.

Feel free to comment.


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    SirDiGiTaLSirDiGiTaL Registered Users 627 Posts
    Would like that as well.
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    TerryQTerryQ Registered Users 241 Posts
    Like the idea, but with the difficultly level of 4th Kingdom been such an increase in the first place, I think Hardcore mode should still trigger at lhb. Then most players can start from the very first map and build strength up before trying 4th Kingdom in hardcore mode. If Glu are planning many more new maps then this way should keep all grade of player happy.
    Quiet voices are overlooked, loud voices are ignored and constant voices are banned it would seem.
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    XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
    TerryQ wrote: »
    Like the idea, but with the difficultly level of 4th Kingdom been such an increase in the first place, I think Hardcore mode should still trigger at lhb. Then most players can start from the very first map and build strength up before trying 4th Kingdom in hardcore mode. If Glu are planning many more new maps then this way should keep all grade of player happy.

    It also wouldn't be much of work for glu developers to just add a more difficult mode.
    -New difficulty
    -using old drops, old enemies, old stages

    Just for fun to keep players playing.
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    Freddy406Freddy406 Registered Users 260 Posts
    One word, NO
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    durc15durc15 Registered Users 124 Posts
    What for?

    Players even at high GS are grumbling about the drop rates and absurd difficulty in the 4th kingdom.

    Players will play that "hardcore mode" if they get something out of it.
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    RandevuJepRandevuJep Registered Users 1 Posts
    Good day to all !
    I recommend a look at the pages of *** Shopa http://www.***-randevu.ru/
    Finds itself in a couple of toys )))
    Good luck to you all!
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    XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
    durc15 wrote: »
    What for?

    Players even at high GS are grumbling about the drop rates and absurd difficulty in the 4th kingdom.

    Players will play that "hardcore mode" if they get something out of it.

    I know that the droprate of the new stages don't fit to their difficulty.
    But I know some "high GS" people who would just like to have some more challenge, myself included.
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    FlyingvigilFlyingvigil Registered Users 61 Posts
    Xephraim wrote: »
    I know that the droprate of the new stages don't fit to their difficulty.
    But I know some "high GS" people who would just like to have some more challenge, myself included.

    I haven't got all goldlies nor mm but the idea sounds interesting.
    Maybe give players some prizes once they beat a level in this hard core mode (vanity items, so no real advantages. Could be different wings, pet, or maybe halo on top of their head? Lol), but it would still be a pride for high end players to do that and make it interesting for them.

    And if some richie ritches buy revive and health pots to get to that level, and get the prizes, so be it! Glu would be happy with possibility of additional income too.
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    AlexV2xAlexV2x Registered Users 35 Posts
    I haven't got all goldlies nor mm but the idea sounds interesting.
    Maybe give players some prizes once they beat a level in this hard core mode (vanity items, so no real advantages. Could be different wings, pet, or maybe halo on top of their head? Lol), but it would still be a pride for high end players to do that and make it interesting for them.

    And if some richie ritches buy revive and health pots to get to that level, and get the prizes, so be it! Glu would be happy with possibility of additional income too.

    A TRUE hardcore mode wouldn't allow revive/heath pots. :)
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    AlexV2x wrote: »
    A TRUE hardcore mode wouldn't allow revive/heath pots. :)

    Yeah, but how will Glu make money otherwise?
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    harry potterharry potter Registered Users 741 Posts
    Did you make this original post before the 1.2 update with 2 new ice levels? I find the first level very easy and the 2nd very hard (lv 50 mage)
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    harry potterharry potter Registered Users 741 Posts
    AlexV2x wrote: »
    A TRUE hardcore mode wouldn't allow revive/heath pots. :)

    Good idea for somewhere in the game... possibly even one boss who uses magic on you so you cant use potions.
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    XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
    AlexV2x wrote: »
    A TRUE hardcore mode wouldn't allow revive/heath pots. :)

    I agree with that totally. But if Glu wants "high GS cashers" to spend money so be it. That's a plus for Glu and the availability of such a mode would be a plus for non-cashers too. Adding rewards for completition would be nice (proof for beating) but Glu should focus on rewarding in normal stages. New players barely stand a chance.
    Starting game. Getting stuck. Quitting game. (<casua exerience of new players)
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    Freddy406Freddy406 Registered Users 260 Posts
    There is too many new ideas and glu has to focus on the good small details first. This hardcore mode could happen when everything is done but for now, its too much work, too many same levels and too much content. I mean, they just started the 4th kingdom. Give them a break!
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    FlyingvigilFlyingvigil Registered Users 61 Posts
    Freddy406 wrote: »
    There is too many new ideas and glu has to focus on the good small details first. This hardcore mode could happen when everything is done but for now, its too much work, too many same levels and too much content. I mean, they just started the 4th kingdom. Give them a break!

    Yes of course the devs are busy with bunch of things on the list.
    We are just doing brainstorming here, and i dont say this particular idea was the best, but still one idea could lead to another better and better ideas in the future.

    And i believe, apart from unexpected bug fixings, what the devs are doing at the moment were planned months ago (to which direction this game is going).

    So maybe one day glu will consider this, (or maybe never if glu finds it not applicable),

    but we can always have dreams and bake some ideas.
    That's why this forum called suggestions.
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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    We love the suggestions! While not everything can be implemented, and other things get prioritized, sometimes portions of things can be incorporated. We are glad to see people brainstorming about the game and continuing to give us feedback.
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    unzipalifeunzipalife Registered Users 2 Posts
    this is regarding deerhunter 2014,
    i have completed shotgun series and got 42 platinum eagles along with 2 rare hunt openers, but the rare hunt never opens and in 4 th region i need a bow that will cost 90 platinum eagles.
    i have now installed this game thrice on my android phone and i m still stuck on that.
    please help
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    unzipalifeunzipalife Registered Users 2 Posts
    gluadmin wrote: »
    We love the suggestions! While not everything can be implemented, and other things get prioritized, sometimes portions of things can be incorporated. We are glad to see people brainstorming about the game and continuing to give us feedback.
    this is regarding deerhunter 2014,
    i have completed shotgun series and got 42 platinum eagles along with 2 rare hunt openers, but the rare hunt never opens and in 4 th region i need a bow that will cost 90 platinum eagles.
    i have now installed this game on my android phone thrice and i m still stuck on that.
    please help
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