
Keep getting kicked

WREKDEMWREKDEM Registered Users 3 Posts
So since the update I seem to be unable to play. Why am I getting kicked within seconds of loading? Am I the only only person having this issue? This game has been excellent until now please fix this ASAP


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    EthanbugsEthanbugs Registered Users 20 Posts
    You're not the only experiencing this. I too was kicked around 8-9 times yesterday after the update. Anywhere in the game this happens, whether it's endless, quests, chatboard or even in the offering window. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times to no avail.

    Worked fine before the update (though an occasional kick from endless happens from time to time but not this much), don't know why this happens now.
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    WREKDEMWREKDEM Registered Users 3 Posts
    I figure it may have been my iPhone since it died on me today. Went and got a new iPhone and now after reinstalling i can't get my character I have to start a brand new one not cool
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