
Items from new Boss

BestFriendCZBestFriendCZ Registered Users 52 Posts
Today I finished the collection...by the killing all boss I have accumulated more like 45 drills :)



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    flamerio88flamerio88 Registered Users 46 Posts
    i get all item for my three char, in 3 day ago,

    use a mod, you can get IIF over 10000%, and make you easy to get everything......

    think again, you not use mod and play every day, every hour, and notting you get, only a junk.... or use a mod, and you will get all goldy gear, top weapons, wings, pets, etc....

    it save, look jasonxxxx, he still alive... after 3 time win survival tournamen with million million vp.... rank 1, 3 time, and still alive
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    BestFriendCZBestFriendCZ Registered Users 52 Posts
    You have right i am only stu..pid honest player:)
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    griml0ckgriml0ck Registered Users 229 Posts
    flamerio88 wrote: »
    i get all item for my three char, in 3 day ago,

    use a mod, you can get IIF over 10000%, and make you easy to get everything......

    think again, you not use mod and play every day, every hour, and notting you get, only a junk.... or use a mod, and you will get all goldy gear, top weapons, wings, pets, etc....

    it save, look jasonxxxx, he still alive... after 3 time win survival tournamen with million million vp.... rank 1, 3 time, and still alive

    That's because you my friend are a complete failure - You su*k at the game and probably life as well. The sad thing is, he's still playing the game without the actual feel of accomplishing something... It's a great feeling by the way.

    Have fun cheating your way through life :o
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    kennygkennyg Registered Users 250 Posts
    flamerio88 wrote: »
    i get all item for my three char, in 3 day ago,

    use a mod, you can get IIF over 10000%, and make you easy to get everything......

    think again, you not use mod and play every day, every hour, and notting you get, only a junk.... or use a mod, and you will get all goldy gear, top weapons, wings, pets, etc....

    it save, look jasonxxxx, he still alive... after 3 time win survival tournamen with million million vp.... rank 1, 3 time, and still alive

    @gluadmin if you are going to let this guy play the game can you at least ban him from the forums? This is sickening to see this ****.
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