
Declaration of Independence

After many months of playing this game, I have advanced my Warrior to lvl 50, attained the Murdermaker, and Godly Resolve armors. My warrior was in good shape for several weeks before Glu came out with the expansion of the ice kingdom and the introduction of the Tier 9 weapons and armor. It was quickly noticed by many players that the Ice Kingdom was unbalanced, and realistically a legit (non-hacker) player would be unable to farm the Ice Kingdom for weapons and reagents. Historically, the game is based on grinding to get the weapon and armor necessary to advance through the game. Glu devs have stated that the intent is to upgrade the weapon first, and then the armor to get you over the hump. Of course, this is not the case once your hero gets to the demon champion part of the game.

After almost two weeks, Glu still has yet to fix the grossly unbalanced ice kingdom. In the past, they have been able to push through adjustments to difficulty in the game with little effort. This goes to show that it's not a monumental undertaking, which leads players to believe they are trying to squeeze as much out of the player's wallet as possible. Those that have attained the Tier 9 weaponry are one of two types of players. The obvious type are hackers. From the inception of the game, Glu has been unable to permanently remove the hackers from the game, or place measures to stop the modding. Many tournaments have been ruined by these players, and Glu has done little to ban these players. Hackers have gone as far as openly posting on the in-game chat that they are hacking, but Glu does little but slap them on the wrist. All they have done is reset the accounts. That's a start, but not a solution. The other type of player that has attained the Tier 9 sets have spent many gems on pots and runes to insure success in the ice levels. This leaves all the normal legit players at a terrible disadvantage. These two truths underscore that success in the game comes from either hacking, or the pay-to-play method, if you want to be a viable contender. On top of this, Glu must have toggled the loot drops in Endless mode. I used to be able to make 250K gold (loot only) from fighting levels 101-135. The gold drops were also greater than 100 gold a piece. Now the gold drops are less than 100 gold, and I am only receiving 200K on average for levels 101-135. This defies logic of game development. As you expand the game, measures should not be put in place to slow the progress of the character. Instead, measures should be established to slightly boost the progress so that you keep existing players engaged while hooking new players. As a result of Glu's behavior, this is repelling players.

I understand that Glu must make a profit to further build onto this game and create future games. However, I have lost complete confidence in Glu's ability to refine an existing game such that the player's experience gets better. Glu has consistently taken things from good to bad, and left them that way. At this time, I have no further reason to waste time on this game if Glu feels it's more necessary to release unrefined content, than to fix existing issues. I may be the only one writing this, but many more players feel this way. Take a look at the in game chat and this can be seen. I'd expect Glu to remove this post in a very short amount of time, as they want little dissension amongst the current players. However, I challenge those at Glu to leave this comment posted. As was done with the first 3 kingdoms, ask your player-base what they think if you really want to know how to improve the game. Finally, take a serious look at your games and the way the business is run. Your behavior has caused me to never touch another Glu game again, as I know how Glu runs them. Great graphics and little refinement to logic and content of the game...that's the name of their games. This is my declaration of independence!


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    FuryWeaselFuryWeasel Registered Users 80 Posts
    Hear, hear!! I could not of said it better myself. I fully agree with you on every aspect. Glu is destroying this once great game, and players are getting sick and tired of the constant nickel and dime bs with using gems for everything imaginable from switching runes to getting pots and the tons of other things they now require gems for. Hackers are out of control, and players are quitting the game in droves. Glu says it listens to its players, but every complaint about using gems, hackers, pvp unbalance, and level difficulty falls on deaf ears. They nerf gem rewards and introduce content that adds more to your inventory space, then when players complain, their response is to buy more space. It's all about squeezing every cent out of your wallet. They fail to understand that happy players are paying players. Stop charging gems to switch runes or combine runes or for pots. Get a handle on the hacker/modder issue. Balance pvp properly. Make the new boss reasonable, and let the new armor and reagents drop in endless before wave 145. These are the issues that I see a ton of rage posts about, yet glu does nothing to fix this. If players are not happy, then we aren't going to spend money on the game, and forcing players to buy gems to advance is only going to force players to quit. Stop the greediness glu, and fix the problems the players are raging about.
    Guild leader of Marauders
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    harry potterharry potter Registered Users 741 Posts
    EagleOne wrote: »
    After many months of playing this game....!

    Summary... The game is very imbalanced especially since patch 2.1.0. The new areas are to hard for most players. Only hackers and those who pay to win can advance. Also endless is dropping around 50k less gold than before, over lv 101-135.

    Great post though dude. I really don't think glu will delete this as you are not bashing them and you are not using any offensive language at all. It is an intelligent and spot on post so well done for that!

    I totally agree with everything you said, and I think 90% of the players would agree with you.

    My only small gripe Is with the subject, declaration of independence.. though it is accurate in a way, it is not as eye catching as it could be...
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    SirDiGiTaLSirDiGiTaL Registered Users 627 Posts
    Since we haven´t received this patch on Ios side yet I have no idea about how hard the new content really is so I´m not trying to bash on you or anything.
    But I would really like to try it on this almost impossible difficulty that you guys on Android side make it sound like hopefully before they lower the difficulty level cause of curiosity and the challange. All I know is I would prefer if they had harder and more challanging content but with better drop rates.
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    CybertCybert Registered Users 14 Posts
    I absolutely agree with the first poster... and so to said, i have returned after many months to Dungeon Hunter 4 to see how the game improved over time in almost any aspect. it so pleasant to play... and eternity warrior going quite opposite... was good, and further getting worse and worse...
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    CamellusCamellus Registered Users 5 Posts
    Now that the new iOS update is out everything the original poster said is even more true, if GLU cares at all for it's loyal fan base it should be working overtime to get a fix out (I'm not getting my hopes up).
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    revitrevit Registered Users 245 Posts
    Camellus wrote: »
    Now that the new iOS update is out everything the original poster said is even more true, if GLU cares at all for it's loyal fan base it should be working overtime to get a fix out (I'm not getting my hopes up).

    haha "a fix" they planned it this way =p. Maybe they will nerf it eventually.
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